NextGen Budgeting Presented by: Julie Carroll Local Government Corporation Resource 2015
Three Approaches 1.Manual Transactions 2.Importing Transactions 3.Budget Worksheets
Manual Transaction Approach Simple Direct Enter Debits and Credits
Transaction Process Some points to remember for the Transaction Process. Transaction Type: Original Budget Revenues: Debit Expenditure: Credit Budget Offset Account: Fund Balance Post Budget: Transaction Batches.
Import Budget Transactions Must have the transaction saved in an excel or csv format CSV formats are the easiest to set up Must have a file definition set up within NG to match your file. Must have each account segment in its own column. Debits and Credits must be entered and it must be a balanced entry. Date, Transaction Type, Transaction Number and Description Required.
Budget Worksheet Approach Allows you to correct data from the prior fiscal year Predict or Enhance current year financial data Enter projections for the coming fiscal year Prepare the budget amounts to be posted to the GL New Budget Features : User defined budget prep fields Budget projection calculations Budget detail items Excel exporting/importing.
Before You Begin Create the Budget Fiscal Year Financial Management Period End Create Fiscal Year
Creating Fiscal Year Division: Defaults unless multiple Year to Roll: Current Fiscal Year New Fiscal Year: Defaults New FY Description:. Defaults Once the selections are made, click NEXT in the bottom right corner Verify the information is correct and click FINISH
Creating a Budget Worksheet To create the budget worksheet:
Division: Defaults unless there are multiple Budget Fiscal Year: The year you are preparing the budget for. Budgeting Method: Defaults unless there are multiple Build budget fields through Period:Select the period of your choice. Account Controls: Select the Account Controls you wish create for. Use Budget Audit Adjustment: Optional (CTAS file) Click Next to continue:
Summary Verify screen is correct and click Finish.
Amending Current Year Budget Manual Transactions Enter as Transaction Type: Budget Amendment Debits and Credits are reversed. Must be a balanced entry.
Update Budget Fields Budgeting Budget Worksheets Budget Fiscal Year Click Find Select the Responsible Party you wish to View
Update Budget OPTIONS Update Budget Fields Save Worksheet
Update Budget Account Controls Fiscal Year Period
Use Budget Audit Adjustment Updates the prior fiscal year actuals to the amounts provided on the CTAS Budget Audit File. Only used by County Offices File must first be imported (contact CTAS for the file)
Use Budget Audit Adjustment Select the Account Controls desired and click OK.
Use Budget Audit Adjustment Budget Worksheet Prior Year Actual Before Budget Worksheet Prior Year Actual After
Manually Enter Proposed Amounts Select desired Budget Prep Field Enter Amount Desired. Hit ENTER to go to the next account
Budget Detail Items Tracks Details on Budget Items Multiple Detail Lines Allowed Totals Detail Amount
Other Options There are several Options that can be executed by clicking Options from the ribbon bar.
Add New GL Account Add GL Account input screen within Nextgen Will Add the Account to the Worksheet upon saving The only fiscal year required is the budget fiscal year
Add Existing GL Accounts Displays all GL accounts that have been added since the budget worksheet was created. Select any accounts you wish to add to the worksheet.
Budget Prep Field Projection Budget Prep Field Projection Option Calculates Projections Update Budget Fields first
Budget Prep Field Projection Options: Account Types Add Account Segment Either/OR
Budget Prep Field Projection By Account Segment
Budget Prep Field Projection Actions Tab Action Source Field Condition Condition Value Destination Field
Actions To Choose From Average
Actions To Choose From Clear Copy
Export/Import Worksheet The most common use for the export and import options is working on your budget in Excel. Allows you export data to a file that can be viewed and modified in a spreadsheet. Allows you to import data from a file modified or created in a spreadsheet.
Export Worksheet Export File Type: Export File Path: Export File Name:
Import Worksheet
Match Budget Worksheet Columns to Import Columns Budget Worksheet Column Import Column
Import Worksheet Must match up GL Account by the full account or individual segments.
Import Worksheet Amount columns to import: You can only import amounts into the Budget Prep fields that are not calculated. Default budget prep fields are Department Request, Budget Committee and Commission Approved You can import amounts from your spreadsheet into 1 of these fields, or into all 3 of the fields.
Post Budget From the ribbon bar, click Options Post Budget Using the information you’ve entered, imported, or calculated into your Budget Worksheet, the Post Budget option processes that information to your General Ledger.
Post Budget Select Account Control or Controls Choose the budget prep field Click NEXT
Post Budget Date: Enter the date you want the budget posted (07/01/2015) Period: Select the period you want the budget posted. (July) Transaction Type: Original Budget Description: Defaults (can be changed) Reference: Optional Internal Notes: Optional
Post Budget Budget Information Summary Transaction Summary Entries Summary
Post Budget Details the entries that will post Can EXPORT it if you would like to print it or save it Click FINISH when ready to post.
Audited Beginning Fund Balance Financial Mngmt Administration Account Controls Enter the desired Account Control Click Find Double Click to Open
Audited Beginning Fund Balance Select the Audited Fiscal Year This will be the last year you closed.
Audited Beginning Fund Balance BG Audit Amounts Tab Beginning Fund Balance: Enter the amount provided to you by County Audit. Excess (Diff) in Revenue/Expenditures: Calculated difference of revenues and expenditures. Pulls from the Budget Audit file if imported, if not this pulls from the GL Actual Adjustment: Input field for any adjustments required. (from CTAS or County Audit) Ending Fund Balance: Calculated from totals above. These amounts will print on the Budget Reports if entered.
Budget Reports Type Budget in the search box Click FIND Select the desired report
Budget Reports General Tab: Budget Fiscal Year Budgeting Method Account Control Select the Advanced Tab
Budget Reports Advanced Tab Select Account Types Enable Custom Prep Field Order- Item # 1 will print on 3 Column Reports Items # 1,2,3 will print on 7 Column Reports These can be modified and rearranged Starting Page Number: Allows you to enter a starting page number to print on the report to custom number pages. Click Next to generate the report
Responsible Parties Allows you to limit access to individual funds or even down to a GL Account Number.
Responsible Parties
NextGen Budgeting Thank You, This completes the budget presentation.