Genres and literature When you speak about genre and literature, genre means a category, or kind of story.
All categories of books or stories can be called either fiction or non-fiction. Fiction a made up story can tell about things that could happen is read for fun characters may be like real people or imaginary Non-Fiction has facts that can be checked and proven the author is an expert on this information it IS TRUE!
Realistic Fiction Realistic fiction is made up of stories that could really happen. Contemporary realistic fiction is realistic fiction that is set in modern times.
Historical Fiction Historical fiction is made up of stories that take place in a certain time and place in the past. Real historical figures and settings may be included in a fiction story.
Fantasy Fantasy is fiction that has elements that are not real. Sometimes this includes talking animals or characters with magical powers. There’s usually a conflict between good and evil.
Fairy Tale Special beginning and/or ending words - Once upon a time...and they lived happily ever after. Good character Evil character Royalty and/or a castle usually present Magic happens Problem and a Solution Things often happen in "threes" or "sevens"
Mystery Mysteries are stories that have a real setting and a problem to be solved that includes clues, distractions, and an answer to the problem.
Humor Humor literature are written to make you laugh, smile and enjoy the writing. This fictional text may be full of jokes, puns or satire. Often, humor is used to lighten the plot. Humor stories are difficult to summarize.
Science Fiction Science Fiction is made up of stories that blend fact and fiction with futuristic technology.
Adventure The characters (and the reader) can always expect the worst - the main characters can, and usually do, have everything thrown at them. Action, action and more action are hallmarks of a good adventure/suspense book. The entire read is a roller coaster ride of chills and excitement with the last stop (and page) not always ending in happiness. And finally, there must be a villain, for without a foe…without an adversary, there can be no adventure…no suspense.
Poetry Poetry is verse written to inspire thoughts and feelings in the reader. It often uses rhyme and rhythm, or it can be written in free verse.
Roman ce Love stories are a fictional writing about the attraction between characters in the story; often, there are love triangles in stories.
Biography A biography is the true story of a real person’s life from the past or present.