The Legislative Branch House of Representatives
Size The total number of seats in the House of Representatives shall be distributed among the states based on each of their total populations -US Constitution Each state is guaranteed at least one seat (Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Vermont each occupy only one seat)
House of Representatives Size How we determine the number of seats (population) for each state?
House of Representatives Size How we determine the number of seats (population) for each state? The Census taken every ten years
House of Representatives Section Vocab Apportion: Distribute Prorrateo: Distribuir Seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned based on each state’s population
House of Representatives Terms -Representatives serve two-year terms -House members can serve an unlimited number of two-year terms -The next election is always around the corner
House of Representatives Terms This keeps representatives attentive to the needs of his or her state
House of Representatives Section Vocab Reapportion: Redistribute Reasignacion: Redistribucion The House of Representatives reapportions its seats every 10 years based on census results
House of Representatives Section Vocab Reapportion: Redistribute Reasignacion: Redistribucion The House of Representatives reapportions its seats every 10 years based on census results
House of Representatives Reapportionment dilemma: Too many people! The original house had 65 seats By 1910 there were 435 seats Census of the house could no longer add seats and remain effective
House of Representatives Reapportionment dilemma: Too many people! Reapportionment Act of The permanent size of the house is 435 members 2.The census is to determine how seats will be reapportioned 3.The plan is proposed to Congress and, if not rejected within 60 days, it becomes effective
House of Representatives Congressional Elections Held on the same day in every state -Tuesday following the first Monday in November of each even numbered year Remember that, while the election is on an even numbered year, the term begins the following January, always on an odd numbered year
House of Representatives Section Vocab Off-year Elections: Elections that occur in non-presidential years Eleccion intermedia: Eleccion del Congreso que occure entre las elecciones presidentiales