Ephesians Lesson 1
Acts 19:1-20:2 Setting Ephesus had one of the 7 wonders of the world: The Temple of Artemis/Diana Ephesus was a major city in Asia (Now Turkey) Major Seaport Many local merchants made their living from items related to idol worship Ephesus was a city of magic and evil spirits
Chronology of main events Contrast between the Holy Spirit and the evil spirits Paul took the gospel to Ephesus and upset idolatry Paul began at the synagogue but ended up at a Gentile school: School of Tyrannus Paul was there for over 2 years ALL in Asia heard the gospel People of Ephesus believed and their lives changed Those who had practiced magic burned their books Demetrius caused a disturbance Paul left for Macedonia and then Greece Lives were changed because of Paul’s presence
Ephesians and Paul Written by Paul: an apostle by God’s will To the faithful saints who are at Ephesus Paul had heard they were faithful Paul prayed for them Paul was a prisoner for 2 years, probably in Rome He had written to them previously (3:4) Called to preach to the Gentiles (3:8) He wanted them to understand the mystery, Jew and Gentile in one body, both having access in one Spirit to the Father (2:18)
Ephesians and recipients Believed the gospel and were sealed with the Holy Spirit (1:13) Formerly lived under the influence of the prince of the power of the air (2:1-2) They were Gentiles (2:11) Formerly separate from Christ (2:12) Now, one body with Jewish believers (2:16) Were not to walk the way they used to (4:17)
Ephesians Chapter Themes Chapter 1 Who we are in Christ Blessings and riches in Him The mystery of His will Our Inheritance Christ’s authority Chapter 2 Saved by grace/not by works Jew and Gentile in the church Both have access to the Father Chapter 3 Insight into the mystery of Christ Unfathomable riches of Christ
Ephesians Chapter Themes Chapter 4Walk in a Manner Worthy Spiritual Gifts Chapter 5Walk in love, Light, be wise Husbands and Wives Christ and the Church Slaves and Masters Chapter 6Children/fathers, slaves/masters Armor of God Pray and pray for ME (Paul) Tychicus
Possible Book Themes Stand Firm Walk in a Manner Worthy Put on God’s Armor The Mystery of Christ Jew and Gentile now One