Copyright 2010 Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. H O S P I T A L I T Y & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G Chapter 3 The Hospitality and Travel Marketing System
Copyright 2010 Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. H O S P I T A L I T Y & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G Many Different Approaches to Defining Our Industry 1. It’s the hospitality industry! 2. It’s the travel and/or tourism industry! 3. It’s the restaurant or foodservice or food service industry! 4. It’s the lodging industry!
Copyright 2010 Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. H O S P I T A L I T Y & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G 5.It depends on where you are! 6.It’s not an industry at all! Many Different Approaches to Defining Our Industry (continued) There’s no universally accepted definition of our industry
Copyright 2010 Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. H O S P I T A L I T Y & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G Figure 3.1. Hospitality and travel marketing covers all these sectors of the industry.
Copyright 2010 Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. H O S P I T A L I T Y & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G The Systems Approach Our industry is a macro-system set up to meet all types of customers’ away-from- home needs Each organization has a micro-system to market its services—a hospitality and travel marketing system
Copyright 2010 Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. H O S P I T A L I T Y & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G Openness Complexity and Variety Responsivene ss Competitivene ss Interdependen cy Friction and Disharmon y Figure 3.2 Characteristics of hospitality and travel systems.
Copyright 2010 Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. H O S P I T A L I T Y & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G Figure 3.3 Hospitality and travel marketing system model. Where are we now? Where would we like to be? How do we get there? How do we make sure we get there? How do we know if we got there?
Copyright 2010 Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. H O S P I T A L I T Y & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G Four Fundamentals of the Hospitality and Travel Marketing System 1. Strategic marketing planning 2. Marketing orientation 3. Differences between product and services marketing 4. Understanding customer behavior
Copyright 2010 Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. H O S P I T A L I T Y & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G Marketing Tasks Planning Research Implementation Control Evaluation
Copyright 2010 Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. H O S P I T A L I T Y & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G Benefits of Using the Hospitality and Travel Marketing System 1. Priority on planning 2.Logical flow of efforts 3.Better balance of marketing activities
Copyright 2010 Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. H O S P I T A L I T Y & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G Long- and Short-Term Marketing Planning Short-term = two years or less Long-term = three to five years or more
Copyright 2010 Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. H O S P I T A L I T Y & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G Definition of Strategic Market Plan A written plan for marketing a hospitality and travel organization covering a period of three to five years in the future
Copyright 2010 Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. H O S P I T A L I T Y & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G & T R A V E L M A R K E T I N G A written, short-term plan—for a period of two years or less—which details how a hospitality or travel organization will use its marketing mix to achieve its marketing objectives Definition of Marketing Plan