Welcome to Culinary Arts 1! Ms. Mohr and Ms. Leach Instructors
Agenda 1. Classroom Seating… 2. Instructor Introduction 3. Course Description… 4. Classroom Guidelines 5. Student background Information 6. Get Acquainted……...
Culinary Arts 1 This is the 2 nd year this class has been a part of Osseo Senior High FACS Department. It is one in a series that students can take to learn about food, develop food preparation skills, and earn credits toward not only your diploma, but for a ProStart certification if you are interested in a career in Culinary!
What will you learn? Course description – refer to Syllabus Ingredients, Equipment, Table Service- refer to front display
This is a basic foods course that will cover the following topics Safety and Sanitation – Why is it so important? Kitchen equipment – What tool is best for the task? Recipes – What makes a good one? Careers - What careers are possible? Food Preparation: What skills are needed? Appetizers Quick BreadsEggs VegetablesMilk and Cheese Nutrition
Class guidelines Refer to syllabus RETURN THE SYLLABUS SIGNED BY : FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2011
Student Background and Get Acquainted activity Please complete the student background sheet as accurately as possible When finished, turn your paper over and read the directions for the Culinary Interests get acquainted activity. When the teacher gives the okay to start, start with the people at your table and then move to other tables
Prepare for Restaurant & Food Service Careers The National Restaurant Association’s ProStart program prepares high school students for exciting careers in the restaurant and foodservice industry. In addition to the fun of food preparation, ProStart introduces students to: restaurant concepts such as customer relations, cost accounting, food cost controls and marketing. Practical, lively learning takes place both in the classroom and on the job as students are hired for internships in locally qualified restaurant and foodservice operations. *ProStart certification will transfer to local Culinary Schools and Technical Colleges giving students an edge up on courses in culinary programs. To earn the certification: Culinary Arts 1(1 credit) Culinary Arts 2 (1 credit) ProStart (2 hours/2 credits) 400 work experience hours Pass ProStart exams