1 st Shipley Scouts (1 st Windhill registration no Christchurch Scouting started 1907) ‘In 1908 the Rev. Ewbank of Windhill Parish Church got together with six boys, and a Scout Troop was formed. Things at that time were not very organised, and Troops did not have to be registered locally until 1910 and nationally until The Troop registered locally in July 1910 and nationally in October At registration the Scoutmaster was Tom Adamson who remained as Scoutmaster and Group Scoutmaster until In 1919 Tom Adamson had five assistants, two instructors, and Dr T I Bonner, Hon Surgeon. There were 37 Scouts.’ Excerpt taken from: Picture left of Tom Adamson – Group Scout Leader 1908
1 st Shipley Scouts in WW1 With Thomas Adamson being Group Scout Leader in 1914 he enlisted two leaders with him along with 5 Scouts. Here is the list below of the names from the Bradford WW1 Scouts Roll of Honour. These names were taken out of a Dec 1914 newspaper of soldiers and enlisted men with connections to scouts. 13th (1st Windhill) T Adamson - Scout Master – 11th Hussars G Dable - [Signalling?]Institute – Royal Field Artillery S Gordon – Scout – Royal Army Medical Corps J Kitchen – Scout – St John Ambulance R Ratcliffe – Scout – H M S St Union W Walker - Patrol Leader (PL) - 6th West Yorks E Waller – Scout – Royal Army Medical Corps J Whitfield - [Signalling? ]Institute – Royal Army Medical Corps
1 st Shipley Scouts in WW1 Thomas Adamson – ‘Scout Master’ Thomas was married in 1909 in Christchurch Windhill to Sarah Hannah Longbottom. He later had two sons one died in infancy and the other did not marry and died a couple of years before he did. Thomas Adamson had multiple engagements in the war as this was recorded in local newspaper clippings also mentioned in these reports was him setting up Windhill Troop. He survived the war and lived until the age of 79 He died in Windhill at 29 Park Rd, Windhill and is buried in Hirst Wood Cemetery in the WW1 graveyard with his whole family.
Thomas Adamsons – Local Newspaper News
Hirst Wood Graveyard – WW1 Graves - Next Door to Nabwood Cremetorium.
Thomas Adamsons Marriage Certificate and War Record
1 st Shipley Scouts in WW1 George Dable – ‘Institute’ George Dable was born in 1893 lived at 5 West View Windhill in th 1911 census, he married Maud Downs at Eccleshill Parish Church in 1915 and then later died in 1919 with not having any children. His death seems to be Woolley but there is a record of his death with the military and also he is recorded on the war memorial at Christchurch Windhill. I have found also documentation of where he is buried supposedly he is buried in the owlet grave yard with the WW1 graves and he is buried with his family. No head stone has been found as there is no grave plan for the site also some of the headstones have been removed by vandals in 2002 as there are number of breakages within the site
George Dable - Windhill Christchurch Roll of Honour
George Dables Marriage Certificate
George Dables 1911 Census – 5 West View Windhill
George Dables Buriel Record
1 st Shipley Scouts in WW1 Thomas Adamson was recorded as a local hero as seen in newspaper at the time but not recorded on the church roll of honour. He started 1 st Windhill (1 st Shipley now) and remained Group Scout Leader till George Dable was recorded on the local church Roll of Honour and later died in Windhill 1919 and was buried in owlet cemetery in WW1 graveyard. Four Scouts and one leader remain unknown at the moment but have been recognized as being apart of our group and also known to have gone to WW1.
1 st Shipley Scouts (known in 1908 – 1 st Windhill) 107 Years on from our birth we have a thriving Group at a membership of 100 members. We still have the original Flags from the Group which our original ‘Scout Master’ Thomas Adamson will have held with also the four scouts and two leaders that were in WW1. We are locally attached to George Dables life record as a Club that he attended on the Shipley WW1 website: Let us remember the Scouts, Leaders that have all gone before and made our group what it is today.
1 st Shipley Scouts (1908 – 2015) (known in 1908 – 1 st Windhill) Our Group 100 Years ago !!! 1 st Windhill (1 st Shipley)