The Facts: NEA Presidential Recommendation Process How can I get involved?
Leading in the past, present and future….
Common citizens should not be ignorant Education should be paid by tax dollars Neighborhood schools Teachers should be highly qualified
First normal school in New England~ 1830 Iowa State Normal School, Cedar Falls ~ 1891
Iowa State Teachers Association ~ 1854
Ella Flagg Young- First Woman President of NEA
President’s of ATA and NEA sign historic merger agreement- 1966
Libby Koontz- NEA president -1968
Bylaw 3.1g is NEA’s policy to achieve ethnic minority delegate representation at the RA (Representative Assembly) equal to the proportion of identified ethnic minorities in each state. Iowa increased to 12% minority population in the most recent census
…and we will be working school board in September
Leading in the past, present and future….