2011 NECTFL Sans Inc./Mead Leadership Project “Closing the Technology Gap in World Language Teaching” Silvina Orsatti Project Leader Spanish Teacher Instructional Technology Specialist
Learning other languages and understanding the cultures of the people who speak them is vital to success in the global environment in which our students will live and work
The goal of a language program is to develop students' language proficiency around modes of communicative competence reflecting real life communication
Web 2.0 applications can help students develop language proficiency and enhance 21 st century skills while making learning more enjoyable and meaningful for them
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 Toolset
Why Teachers Need to Integrate Technology into Learning Why Teachers Need to Integrate Technology into Learning Technology authentically connects students to the world Technology will be a part of any learner’s future: both personal and in the world of work
Why Teachers Need to Integrate Technology into Learning Why Teachers Need to Integrate Technology into Learning Technology motivates learners and connects them to their passion Learners want to create content, not consume it Learners already use it!
Connected Students need Connected Teachers Connected Students need Connected Teachers
The Connected Teacher The Connected Teacher
1.Communication 2.Social Interaction 3.Authenticity 4.Exposure 5.Feedback 6.Learner autonomy Web 2.0 tools can enhance language learning by facilitating: Web Language Learning
ACTFL Standards for Foreign Language Learning = The Five Cs
“Knowing how, when, and why to say what to whom”
Partnership for 21 st Century Skills
ACTFL 21 st Century P-21 skills map
Standards demand higher-level use of content
Digital blooms
Digital literacy is less about the tools... and more about the thinking!
“Closing the Technology Gap in World Language Teaching”
We won the “Collaborate for Good” contest!
Project wiki
Session 1 Learning the tools Session 2 Integrating the tools in the classroom Session 3 Becoming a life-long learner
Session 1 Learning the Tools
Preliminary Activities Expectations >Wall Wisher< Technology Skills Survey >Survey Monkey< Introductory Post Learning Styles Poll Career Goals and Interests >Edmodo<Edmodo
Webinars Rationale Tools Tutorials and Examples Discussions Blackboard Collaborate ~~~ Post-webinar discussions Edmodo/Skype Post-webinar activities Creative Corner = for a raffle prize
Experts Becky Benner-Carr Pete Brooks Dick Detwiler Thekla Fall Laura Franklin Toni Johnson Sanaa Jouejati Dianne Krause Natalie Puhala Amanda Sewald Jan Stewart
Let's Communicate!
Let's Present!
Let's Quiz and Poll!
Let's Glog, Blog and Phlog!
Let's speak!
Let's Tell Stories! VoiceThread
Creative Corner with Photopeach
Project Blog
Session 2 Integrating the Tools in the Classroom
Webinars Let's Brainstorm! Let's Plan! Let's Assess! Let's Share! ~~~ Blackboard Collaborate Bubbl.Us/Google Docs/Mindmeister Edmodo/Skype Wikispaces VoiceThread
Session 3 (upcoming) Becoming a life-long learner
Let's learn how to use web 2.0 tools to enhance 21st century skills with communicative and collaborative activities in the world languages classroom!
Voki Voki is a free tool that allows you to create a talking character or “avatar”. You can customize your avatar to look like you or take on the identity of other characters. Your avatar can even speak with your own voice which is added via microphone, upload, or phone.
Let's create a together!
qr Voice QR Voice is a free tool that allows you to create QR codes that when scanned will play a short audio message. To create your message and QR code you type in your message, only up to 100 characters. QR Voice is offered in Spanish, French, English, and other languages. ?
Let's create a (qr voice) together!
Glogster Glogster allows users to create interactive posters with text, images, audio, video, etc.
Mock Apps
Let's create a (glog) together!
FotoBabble Project with Fotobabble
Let's create a together!
VoiceThread VoiceThread is a free web 2.0 tool that allows the user to create slide shows with comments in the form of audio/video/text/doodle, and share them with others.
Let's create a together!
Web 2.0 is not a “thing” … it is a “state of mind”
Questions? Help? Silvina!
Twitter: sorsatti