2007-11-26ARDN to EPSI, Riga1 The market for re-usable PSI Presentation to EPSI Riga Adrian Norman.


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Presentation transcript:

ARDN to EPSI, Riga1 The market for re-usable PSI Presentation to EPSI Riga Adrian Norman

ARDN to EPSI, Riga2 Practical Arrangements Directive 2003/98/EC, Article 9 Member States shall ensure that practical arrangements are in place that facilitate the search for documents available for re-use, such as: –asset lists, accessible preferably online, of main documents, and –portal sites that are linked to decentralised assets lists.

ARDN to EPSI, Riga3 PSI Asset Registers catalogues of the information held by public sector organisations basic tools for discovery of PSI for re-use. If prospective re-users cannot discover what information is available, they are unable to re-use and add value to that information to produce innovative and potentially valuable information products and services.

ARDN to EPSI, Riga4 PSI Asset Registers Although most EU countries acknowledge the importance of such catalogues of PSI, there seem to be few examples of comprehensive national registries, let alone pan-European ones.

ARDN to EPSI, Riga5 PSI Asset Register initiatives Interesting initiatives in some member countries The EC-funded PSI Navigator Project –produced a demonstrator of a pan-European PSI asset directory –used a thesaurus approach –defined codes for the numerous PSI themes.

ARDN to EPSI, Riga6 PSI Asset Registers The compilation of such registries is a daunting task, –especially for local government bodies that generate a massive amount of wide ranging information, much of which may never be of interest for commercial re-use.

ARDN to EPSI, Riga7 Possible approaches to creating PSI Asset Registers 1.An automated approach to gathering the necessary metadata 2.a partnership with the private sector.

ARDN to EPSI, Riga8 The scale of the problem A million holders

ARDN to EPSI, Riga9 There are about one million holders of public sector information in Europe Central government Local government Education Health services Emergency services Armed forces

ARDN to EPSI, Riga10 Library card index The British Library had a card index of several million information assets, mainly books.

ARDN to EPSI, Riga11 The scale of the problem A million holders in Europe An unknown number of potential re-users worldwide

ARDN to EPSI, Riga12 Re-users are very varied and spread around the world Navigation for transport Weather forecasts Market research Legal judgements and laws Genealogy and family history Property and land use

ARDN to EPSI, Riga13 The generic publishing supply chain delivers information about an activity to a viewer RecordEdit Activity ViewCollatePublish

ARDN to EPSI, Riga14 PSIH PUBLISHER Re-users have to find PSI Record PSI Find PSI Public Admin Consume PSI+ Re-use PSI Publish PSI+ ~100,000 ~100,000,000

ARDN to EPSI, Riga15 PUBLISHER PSIH Links are missing in the PSI supply chain Record PSI Find PSI through database Re-use PSI Register Information Assets Add IARs to shared database

ARDN to EPSI, Riga16 PUBLISHER PSIH IARs enable re-users to find PSI Record PSI Find PSI through database Re-use PSI Register Information Assets Add IARs to shared database

ARDN to EPSI, Riga17 The PSIKEY database opens the door to the commercial use of public information (CUPI) Psyche entering Cupid’s Garden –John William Waterhouse

ARDN to EPSI, Riga18 PSI market place A market place is required to link the PSI supply chain Record PSI Display PSI Public Admin Consume PSI+ Acquire PSI Publish PSI+

ARDN to EPSI, Riga19 PSI market place A market place must link the PSI supply chain through contracts Record PSI Display PSI Public Admin Consume PSI+ Acquire PSI Publish PSI+ offer accept

ARDN to EPSI, Riga20 PSI market place A market place must link the PSI supply chain through contracts Record PSI Display PSI Public Admin Consume PSI+ Acquire PSI Publish PSI+ invoice payment

ARDN to EPSI, Riga21 Contracts for PSI re-use Fair trade Standard terms and conditions Electronic - to get low transaction costs Monitored –audit trail of deliveries and payments –low cost dispute resolution –transparent e.g. to determine market prices

ARDN to EPSI, Riga22 Markets solve the many-to-many problem Financial (City of London) –Insurance, securities, commodities, futures, shipping, ….. E-Bay Amazon Employment Public procurement …………even farmers’ markets

ARDN to EPSI, Riga23 Practical Arrangements Directive 2003/98/EC, Article 9 Member States shall ensure that practical arrangements are in place that facilitate the search for documents available for re-use, such as: –asset lists, accessible preferably online, of main documents, and –portal sites that are linked to decentralised assets lists.

ARDN to EPSI, Riga24 PSI holders are fearful of re-users The abduction of Psyche by Cupid –William Bouguereau

ARDN to EPSI, Riga25 An electronic market place for PSI will help PSI holders Low cost listing Simple administration Public and private sector re-user customers Automatic discovery and definition Return on investment

ARDN to EPSI, Riga26 An electronic market place for PSI will help PSI re-users One place to look Simple administration Automatic discovery and definition Public and private sector suppliers Transparent pricing Convergence towards market value

ARDN to EPSI, Riga27 Practical Arrangements Directive 2003/98/EC, Article 9

ARDN to EPSI, Riga28 European market place for trading in re-usable PSI Can we make it happen?