Ground Station Network
Objectives Linking the U.S and Japanese ground station networks
Participating universities Tokyo Institute of TechnologyNaoki MIYAshita Kuniyuki Omagari University of TokyoYuya Nakamura Nihon UniversityKaneko Daigo Kyushuu UnivYoshitaka Kasahara University of ArizonaJason Antkoviak University of HawaiiBlame murakami University of North DakotaJason Senti
Scenario Standard protocol (soap) Time sharing Legal issues Continuous tracking Command restrictions (access) Surrey England (already networked) Common controllers
Task List Compile mailing list and make SOAP manual including sample code (Titech) Contact Univ of Surrey (Nihon Univ) Contact Santa Clara (Robot / Tele-operation protocol) University of Arizona Review ITAR (University of North Dakota) Establish SOAP interface at U. Hawaii Manage the time sharing issue (Kyusyu Univ)
Timeline Review will be done of Article of International Traffic in Arms Regulations to explore filing for an advisory opinion on the permission for foreign universities to remotely control U.S. ground stations (Dec,2002) Control the Japanese GS from the U.S. at the UNISEC WS (Dec, 2002) University of Tokyo member will go to Santa Clara and Stanford to discuss Japanese software/protocol compatibility (March, 2003) During the March 03 visit, a Japanese University will try to control an American ground station Increase Japanese and U.S. involvement with ground station linking (2003)
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