Global Wind Demonstration Project John Pereira NESDIS Office of Systems Development Jim Yoe NESDIS Office of Research and Applications January 24, 2002 Working Group for Space-based Lidar Winds Key West, FL
Global Wind Demonstration Project GroundWinds –Brief Status of GW-NH and GW-Hawaii NOAA/NASA GTWS Collaboration –Draft Data Requirements –Instrument Synthesis and Analysis –Integrated Mission Design
GroundWinds Status Nov 1-2: 10 th GroundWinds Quarterly Review –Held at Michigan Aerospace Corporation (MAC) headquarters in Ann Arbor, MI –MAC analyzed initial performance limitations of GWNH –NH Lidar realignment issues solved, aerosol camera replaced, refurbished laser to be delivered, new data processing SW to eliminate earlier bias UNH to take new wind measurements to demonstrate photon recycling with these limited fixes Include new results in publication of Fall 2000 GroundWinds demonstration campaign More comprehensive improvements base-lined for GW Hawaii Additional science-directed campaigns planned for GWNH
University of HI Participation Investigate the utility of UV LIDAR wind profiles University of Hawaii has become GroundWinds partner University of Hawaii Role & Goals: –Oversee remote operation of GroundWinds-HI –Analyze atmospheric structures (troughs, jet streaks) –Analyze impact of terrain on gravity wave formation and turbulence –Construct tools for weather hazard mitigation (detection of CAT, flash flood index) –Create a state-of-the-art nowcast of momentum by ingesting LIDAR data into FSL’s Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS) –Use LAPS output as initial state for MM5 –Use LIDAR data to identify systematic forecast errors in NWP output –Port the Hawaii LAPS capability to AWIPS at the NWSFO –Establish active outreach program to introduce the technology to NWS staff, university, & primary/secondary school students in Pacific Region
Upcoming Events GroundWinds-NH mini-campaign Bartlett, NH GroundWinds Quarterly, March 6-8, Hawaii Lidar Winds Working Group, Jul 15-17, N. Conway, NH GroundWinds-HI validation campaign (TBD)
Note: This logo is UNOFFICIAL
Global Tropospheric Winds Sounder (GTWS) Recent Activities –NASA/NOAA joint draft wind data specification Posted on the WWW Oct Comments were due November Science Team considering comments, refinements –NASA conducted studies for space-based direct- detection and coherent lidar missions Instrument Synthesis Analysis Laboratory Sep/Dec 2001 Integrated Mission Design Center (IMDC)
Summary GroundWinds making progress in identifying and understanding some technical challenges of DWL –Pursue more definitive demonstration of benefits of photon Mauna Loa and Bartlett –New science-directed campaigns & applications w/ GW Technical and Science Teams have developed useful reference points for continued pursuit of any GTWS mission –ISAL Point Designs –Draft Data Specification