Postdoc Short-Course on College Teaching in Science and Engineering Chad Hershock, Ph.D. Assistant Director Center for Research on Learning and Teaching University of Michigan
PSC Case Study University of Michigan Postdoctoral Scholars ~1200 on campus Majority in STEM disciplines Most < 2 terms of college teaching experience Intensive research appointments Teaching not typically part of mentorship* Not typically targeted by PFF initiatives 2
Why not lecture? 1.Lecture NOT aligned with my learning goals 2.Students need practice and feedback 3.Interdisciplinary exchange is key 4.Model/experience toolkit of teaching strategies 5.Logistical constraints 3
Shifting First Exposure to Content Processing First Exposure Evaluation Feedback? During class Online 4
What did I do? “Blended” Course with Seven 3-Hour Sessions Online: 1.Video podcasts introducing session topicsVideo podcasts 2.Short readings to support podcasts 3.Preparatory, online assignments Face-to-face sessions: 4.Hands-on synthesis, application & practice 5.Exclusively active learning 5
Capstone Experiences: 1.5-min practice teaching (lecture) 2.15-min practice teaching with active learning 3.Course portfolio/syllabus assignment What did I do? 6
Topics include: 1.Course design 2.Assessment of student learning 3.Effective lecturing 4.Research on student learning 5.Active, cooperative, and inquiry-based learning 6.Teaching for inclusion and student retention 7.Instructional technology What does a session look like?
Sample Session of PSC 8 Topic: Assessment of Student Learning Online: 1.Video podcast: classroom assessment techniques (low tech vs. high tech) 2.Reading: Piontek (2008) research on writing effective tests 3.Assignment: submit 2 multiple choice questions via Ctools Assignment tool
Sample Session of PSC 9 Face-to-face session: 1.Interactive Demo: implementing CATs via IT (clickers, backchannels) 2.In small groups: critique sample MC questionscritique sample MC questions 3.In pairs: revise preparatory assignment 4.Present and discuss exemplars 5.Individually: grade essay answers with rubricgrade essay answers with rubric
Evaluation Data Overall Value of Course = 4.8 out of 5 1 = Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree Survey ItemAverage The course was an effective use of my time. 4.5 “…was an effective way to introduce fundamental concepts on teaching and learning.” 4.0 “…using face-to-face sessions entirely for active learning effectively deepened my understanding of teaching and learning.”
Impacts on Teaching 11 Short-Term Large initial investment, start-up costs Long-Term Library of screencast resources Reduced prep time Shift in time allocation (prep to feedback) Change in role, including tech support
Lessons Learned 12 1.Flip incrementally 2.Innovation with substitution 3.Chunk screencasts (10-15 minutes) 4.Plan for IT failure 5.Need accountability mechanism for preparation 6.Integrate online and face-to-face 7.Don’t need to sacrifice “coverage”