eCPIC Quick Guide: eCPIC-ITDB Interactions Purpose: The eCPIC-ITDB Interactions Quick Guide has been developed to provide a high-level, informational overview of the interactions between the eCPIC application and OMB’s Federal IT Dashboard. For more detailed, instructional guides on completing any of the material being illustrated, please refer to the following eCPIC modular training materials: Training Session: OMB Submission Packages Training Session: Monthly ITDB Submissions
eCPIC-ITDB Interactions Background The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) launched the Federal IT Dashboard (ITDB) in June 2009 to provide transparency by allowing the public to view details of federal IT investments and monitor IT projects. OMB requires that all executive agencies submit detailed information about their major IT investments to the ITDB on an annual basis, and make updates to these investment details (as necessary) on a monthly basis. The ITDB provides an online, public platform for displaying and tracking the details of federal IT investments. It showcases information from the Exhibit 53 and Exhibit 300 reports, and includes data from more than 7,000 federal investments. To enable the transfer of required data to OMB’s IT Dashboard, eCPIC provides a fully integrated platform. This allows eCPIC member agencies to seamlessly submit the information from eCPIC to the ITDB for both annual A-11 artifact submissions and monthly update requirements. Agencies first populate their IT investment data in eCPIC using the OMB-compliant templates, and then transfer the data to the ITDB using eCPIC’s automated and fully- integrated Web Services feature. All investment data is initially sent to a private, internal ITDB staging site, where OMB must review and approve investment data from all agencies before displaying this information on the public- facing ITDB site. eCPIC OMB ITDB Web Services
For both annual A-11 artifact submission and monthly ITDB updates, the eCPIC PMO recommends that agencies follow this workflow: Investment owners complete A-11 artifacts in eCPIC The first step in preparing for an agency's data submission is for investment owners to complete the A-11 processes within eCPIC; this will include both the Exhibit 53 and Exhibit 300 processes. The screen shot below depicts an example of an investment’s completed fields within eCPIC. Once all of the data fields are completed, the investment will need to be added to an OMB Submission package, as described in Step 3. eCPIC OMB ITDB Artifact Submission Process Flow
Agency creates OMB submission package in eCPIC After investment owners have completed data entry, agency administrators will need to create an OMB submission package. The OMB submission package combines individual investments or portfolios for efficient A-11 artifact submissions. Add investments to the OMB package in eCPIC With the OMB package has been created in eCPIC, agency administrators will need to add investments or portfolios to the submission package in preparation for IT Dashboard submissions. The screen shot below identifies the ease of adding specific investments/portfolios to the newly created OMB submission package. 2 3
Investments validated against OMB schema eCPIC’s validation functionality makes it easy for system administrators to transfer their investment data to the ITDB, where the data is then validated against the ITDB business logic, as well as verified as consistent with the latest A-11 schema. Once the validation is complete, eCPIC will return the validation results, as shown in the screen below. If the eCPIC data validation is unsuccessful, eCPIC will return Warnings and/or Errors identifying the specific reasons why the validation was unsuccessful. A validation returning no errors will allow agencies to successfully submit their investment data to OMB. Example: eCPIC Investment Validation Agencies submit investments to the ITDB Staging Site Once all errors have been eliminated and the investments pass the eCPIC validation report, the agency administrator can submit their investments to the OMB ITDB staging site via eCPIC’s fully integrated Web Services capability. The screen shot below displays an eCPIC confirmation that two investments have been successfully submitted to the ITDB. 4 Warnings Errors 5
Investments available to OMB for review in ITDB After agencies have submitted their investments to the IT Dashboard from eCPIC, they are officially available for OMB’s review. OMB reviews investment information The next step requires OMB to make a determination as to whether investment data is approved or denied. If investments are denied, the agency will be notified and investment owners are required to make necessary changes/updates to the investments and go back to Step 4 in the process. If investments are approved, they are displayed to the public on the ITDB, as detailed in Step 8 below. Agencies’ investment information displayed to the public on the OMB ITDB Once agencies’ investments have been approved by OMB, the data is displayed to the general public on the OMB ITDB web site. The table displayed in the screen shot below depicts investment data that was first entered in eCPIC (see Step 1), and then (after OMB approval) is displayed to the public in the OMB ITDB format, as shown in the screen shot below. eCPIC Program Management Office – Contact Us For further information or questions regarding eCPIC-ITDB interactions, please contact the eCPIC Program Management Office by phone or eCPIC Program Management Office Phone: