UNIVERSIT Y of HAWAI’I SYSTEM Hawai‘i Pre-Engineering Education Collaboration (PEEC) ‘IKE Indigenous Knowledge in Engineering ‘ike is the Hawaiian word for ‘knowledge’ Presenter: Dr. John Rand (Recycled PI) Principal Investigator: Dr. Louise Pagotto Co-Investigator: Dr. Peter Crouch Project Director: Dr. Hervé Collin
ASNS Degree Proliferation Physical Science and Life Science 2015 Engineering Physical Science and Life Science Physical Science and Biological Science Biological Science and Natural Science Computer Science Physical Science and Biological Science Windward Community College Honolulu Community College Maui College Leeward Community College Kapi`olani Community College Engineering (Planned) 2010
UH Community College Associate of Science Natural Science (ASNS) Degree Enrollment
University of Hawai‘i Community College Pre-Engineering (IKE) Enrollment
IKE Student Transfers to the UH College of Engineering
Engineering (BS) and Pre-Engineering (ASNS) Degrees Awarded Degrees Awarded (ASNS or BS) Non-Hawaiian (Pre-Eng + Eng) UH Campus Total UHM Coll of Eng Honolulu CC Kapi‘olani CC Leeward CC Maui College Windward CC Total ENG Degrees Awarded Degrees Awarded (ASNS or BS) Hawaiian (Pre-Eng + Eng) UH Campus Total UHM Coll of Eng Honolulu CC Kapi‘olani CC Leeward CC Maui College Windward CC Total ENG Degrees Hawaiian
Distribution of IKE Degrees Awarded
University of Hawai‘i Community College Pre-Engineering (IKE) Enrollment
Percent Gap in Hawaiian Student Enrollment in Pre-Engineering at Kapi‘olani CC
Percent Gap in Hawaiian Student Enrollment in All STEM at Kapi‘olani CC
Percent Gap in Hawaiian Student Enrollment in STEM at KapCC
Percent Gap in Hawaiian Student Enrollment in College of Engineering at UHM
Challenges and Conclusions Enrollment: IKE enrollment is very strong and Native Hawaiian Students are substantially overrepresented particularly at Kapi‘olani Community College where TCUP funding has been continuous for the past decade. Math remediation and increase 200-level courses offerings are causing the STEM programs to swell at the community colleges. The time to transfer is The majority of UHCC STEM students are enrolled Student Retention and Transfer requires both academic and social support assets. Transfer numbers for Native Hawaiian students are low now but are likely to double each year for the next few years. Degrees Awarded /Retention/Persistence Rate: Get to college calculus ASAP Continued or Increased Funding: Keep the faith!