Universal American School Driven by Knowledge. Inspired by Success. Al Badia, Dubai Festival City PO Box 79133, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: E: UNIVERSAL AMERICAN SCHOOL Grade 6 English Genna Debnam
Universal American School Driven by Knowledge. Inspired by Success. Al Badia, Dubai Festival City PO Box 79133, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: E: UNIVERSAL AMERICAN SCHOOL THE ESOL EDUCATION SCHOOLS
Universal American School Driven by Knowledge. Inspired by Success. Al Badia, Dubai Festival City PO Box 79133, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: E: UNIVERSAL AMERICAN SCHOOL Introductions 1.Personal life 2. Professional and academic experience
Universal American School Driven by Knowledge. Inspired by Success. Al Badia, Dubai Festival City PO Box 79133, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: E: UNIVERSAL AMERICAN SCHOOL Class Information 1. Homeroom and REGAL (applicable to first presentation only) 2. Expectations & class environment Equipment and behavior 3. Communication Blog Google Classroom 4. Assessments – MYP grading system 5. Homework expectations
Universal American School Driven by Knowledge. Inspired by Success. Al Badia, Dubai Festival City PO Box 79133, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: E: UNIVERSAL AMERICAN SCHOOL Daily Language Review Students practice language skills covering punctuation, verb tense, conjunctions, word meaning and more in minute daily lessons including: Practice of the Conventions of Standard English and Vocabulary Acquisition and Use for G6 Using language in the context of writing and reading Increased practice of academic and idiomatic vocabulary Exposure to sentences from all Common Core writing types (informational, narrative, and opinion/argument) Daily practice activities cover: Grammar and usage Capitalization, punctuation, and spelling Vocabulary word meaning and relationships Using acquired vocabulary How it works: Daily Language Review follows the research-based model of frequent, focused practice to help students learn and retain skills. Students will be provided with booklets to track their development.
Universal American School Driven by Knowledge. Inspired by Success. Al Badia, Dubai Festival City PO Box 79133, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: E: UNIVERSAL AMERICAN SCHOOL UNIT 1 – Identity Novel Study We will be using Louis Sachar’s ‘Holes’, as our primary novel this quarter in addition to informational, historical and geographical texts Learning activities will include a close study of key scenes, character studies and a comparison of the novel and movie This unit will introduce the use of online discussion forums through Google Classrooms and the Grade 6 Blog to encourage students to actively engage with ideas raised in the classroom Assessments: Movie and Novel Comparison Quizzes (written and oral) Engagement with text through editing/commenting via Google Docs Speech or Project Presentation Holes Activity Packet
Universal American School Driven by Knowledge. Inspired by Success. Al Badia, Dubai Festival City PO Box 79133, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: E: UNIVERSAL AMERICAN SCHOOL UNIT 2, 3 & 4 UNIT 2 Culture - Cultural Stories, Poems and Plays UNIT 3 Conflict - Interdisciplinary Project Informational writing UNIT 4 Book Clubs, self-selected Narrative writing Assessments: Short essay Oral presentations / Speeches Quizzes (written and oral) Creative and informational writing Drama – dramatic interpretations! …and many more!
Universal American School Driven by Knowledge. Inspired by Success. Al Badia, Dubai Festival City PO Box 79133, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: E: UNIVERSAL AMERICAN SCHOOL Making Friends and Having Fun!
Universal American School Driven by Knowledge. Inspired by Success. Al Badia, Dubai Festival City PO Box 79133, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: E: UNIVERSAL AMERICAN SCHOOL Please feel free to pop by at your convenience or me on Thank you for listening!