1 Introduction o Introduction o Innovation Agriculture Statistics in three phases: Until end of 2007: Preliminary research Key issue: problems and possibilities Until mid 2008: Business Analysis (BA) Key issue: the “what question” (SWOT) and priorities : Implementation Key issue: integration in SN-wide developments: standardisation and general tools Innovation of the Dutch Agriculture Statistics ICAS4, Beijing 2007 你好
2 o Current situation o Sketch of desired situation o Results of pilots Content Innovation of the Dutch Agriculture Statistics ICAS4, Beijing 2007
3 Current situation o Yearly Farm Structure Survey (FSS) ± units: Farm register maintained by Min. of Agriculture physical production full survey co-production between SN and Ministry Main customer: European Union / Eurostat o Supplemented by I0-15 smaller surveys (satellite surveys) Zoom in on a specific subject of the FSS Sample surveys conducted by SN itself Innovation of the Dutch Agriculture Statistics ICAS4, Beijing 2007 o Agriculture Accounts / Prices and volumes (National Accounts) o Agriculture services o Labour Stand alone system characterised as a stovepipe model Small customer base
4 o Reducing the survey burden on enterprises optimal use of all register information coordination of definition and concepts (e.g. XBRL) o Efficiency (budget cuts), processes / IT-systems o Other: new EU-BR-regulation, new NACE, authentic registers Developments o Changing information needs of customers accessibility (new media) / quicker more integrated, e.g. agriculture related to other areas integrated micro-data e.g. CAP leads to the need for new information (production methods) o Growing competition (data electronically available) other organisations can do better and quicker in their domain SN has to add new value (integrating datasets ) Innovation of the Dutch Agriculture Statistics ICAS4, Beijing 2007
5 Elements of a new way of making statistics o Balance against customer needs (information development). Add new value. o Integration of datasets o Full use of registers o Efficient processes: redesign, standardization o Chains and networks of information flows Innovation of the Dutch Agriculture Statistics ICAS4, Beijing 2007
6 FR BR NACE Agriculture, excl. Forestry and Fishing NACE groups outside Agriculture Economically too small, will not lead to a unit in the BR - Financial data - Employment and wages - Other sources - NA/A-accounts Connected to: Economic demography of agriculture enterprises (Mutatieonderzoek) Related to environment, rural development, nature, agro-chains etc. FSS + satellite surveys - Parcels/crops (BRP) - Livestock (I&R) - Nature conservation - Land use register - Organic production - Subsidies (IACS) - Etc. :Connected to Sketch of desired situation
7 FR BR NACE Agriculture, excl. Forestry and Fishing NACE groups outside Agriculture Economically too small, will not lead to a unit in the BR - Financial data - Employment and wages - Other sources - NA/A-accounts Connected to: Economic demography of agriculture enterprises (Mutatieonderzoek) Related to environment, rural development, nature agro-chains etc. FSS + satellite surveys - Parcels/crops (BRP) - Livestock (I&R) - Nature conservation - Land use register - Organic production - Subsidies (IACS) - Etc. :Connected to Pilots Pilot 1
8 Pilot 1: FR and population o FR as a derivate of the register of the Ministry of Agriculture Set up a FR as a system Current source is the best option (e.g. coverage and timeliness) Ministry continues to maintain population of units More attention for its statistical function (administrative source) (e.g. more influence from SN) o Better definition of “agriculture activities” and units, e.g.: Head office and their locations/parcels (Agriculture Holding) Use of thresholds (> 3 SGM) / smaller activities Activities from foreign enterprises Innovation of the Dutch Agriculture Statistics ICAS4, Beijing 2007 o Events (e.g. deaths, births etc. of enterprises), changes in FR o Improve the way non-response is handled
9 FR BR NACE Agriculture, excl. Forestry and Fishing NACE groups outside Agriculture Economically too small, will not lead to a unit in the BR - Financial data - Employment and wages - Other sources - NA/A-accounts Connected to: Economic demography of agriculture enterprises (Mutatieonderzoek) Related to environment, rural development, nature agro-chains etc. FSS + satellite surveys - Parcels/crops (BRP) - Livestock (I&R) - Nature conservation - Land use register - Organic production - Subsidies (IACS) - Etc. :Connected to Pilot 1 Pilots 2 en 3 Pilots
10 Pilots 2 and 3: Connection FR - BR o A connection between FR - BR Key: Name and Address units of FR (out of ) connected to one or more units BR Too difficult, too many mismatches, need too many resources Conclusion: wait until general identifiers are added to all main registers (e.g. Social security number and enterprise identifier) o Comparison between Farm type (FR, 2005) – new NACE Theoretical: it is impossible to relate all categories of the Farm type to a group in the NACE and vice versa. Extra decision rules are needed. Practically: if units of FR and BR are coupled and Farm type and NACE are compared: Categories of livestock (4 and 5): 89% Categories of crops (1, 2 and 3): < 77% Specialist fruit (32): 31% Mixed farming (6,7 and 8): < 10% Innovation of the Dutch Agriculture Statistics ICAS4, Beijing 2007
11 FR BR NACE Agriculture, excl. Forestry and Fishing NACE groups outside Agriculture Economically too small, will not lead to a unit in the BR - Financial data - Employment and wages - Other sources - NA/A-accounts Connected to: Economic demography of agriculture enterprises (Mutatieonderzoek) Related to environment, rural development, nature agro-chains etc. FSS + satellite surveys - Parcels/crops (BRP) - Livestock (I&R) - Nature conservation - Land use register - Organic production - Subsidies (IACS) - Etc. :Connected to Pilot 1 Pilots 2 en 3 Pilot 4 Pilots
12 Pilot 4: use of tax data o Financial/production statistics for agriculture based on tax data feasible E.g. PS Agr. = 18,5 bil. <> Agr. Accounts = 18,4 bil. (turnover) o Problems with weighing, outliers and coupling o Cannot separate agriculture and non-agriculture turnover and costs in tax data o Other big advantage: micro database with financial and structural data (for scientific research) Innovation of the Dutch Agriculture Statistics ICAS4, Beijing 2007
13 FR BR NACE Agriculture, excl. Forestry and Fishing NACE groups outside Agriculture Economically too small, will not lead to a unit in the BR - Financial data - Employment and wages - Other sources - NA/A-accounts Connected to: Economic demography of agriculture enterprises (Mutatieonderzoek) Related to environment, rural development, nature agro-chains etc. FSS + satellite surveys - Parcels/crops (BRP) - Livestock (I&R) - Nature conservation - Land use register - Organic production - Subsidies (IACS) - Etc. :Connected to Pilot 1 Pilots 2 en 3 Pilot 4 Pilots 5 en 6 Pilots
14 Pilots 5 and 6: use of agriculture registers o Livestock (e.g. Cows) National level: good match (3,7 million FSS = 3,7 million I&R) Micro-level: still many differences (25% I&R = FSS; 90% I&R and FSS differ =< 10 cows) Can be used to replace satellite survey(s) on livestock More research is needed to replace questions in FSS (e.g. exact time of observation) o Crops (based on parcel information) Can be used on national and micro level Can replace (part of the) questions in FSS Problems with detail, classifications and groups missing Innovation of the Dutch Agriculture Statistics ICAS4, Beijing 2007 o Geographic information Good tool for publications on regional level (parcel and stable level, better than FSS) Good tool for analysis (e.g. changes over time, problems FSS)
15 FR BR NACE Agriculture, excl. Forestry and Fishing NACE groups outside Agriculture Economically too small, will not lead to a unit in the BR - Financial data - Employment and wages - Other sources - NA/A-accounts Connected to: Economic demography of agriculture enterprises (Mutatieonderzoek) Related to environment, rural development, nature agro-chains etc. FSS + satellite surveys - Parcels/crops (BRP) - Livestock (I&R) - Nature conservation - Land use register - Organic production - Subsidies (IACS) - Etc. :Connected to Pilot 1 Pilots 2 en 3 Pilot 4 Pilots 5 en 6 Pilot 7 Pilots
16 Pilot 7: economic demography o Better cooperation between SN and Ministry o Timeframe related to FSS o Coding and maintenance better suited to statistics o Relation with developments of general Econ. demography Innovation of the Dutch Agriculture Statistics ICAS4, Beijing 2007
17 谢谢你 再见 Thank you for your attention Any questions? Innovation of the Dutch Agriculture Statistics
18 BRFR NHR Tax service PRISMA GDII&RBRPMest Enz GBA Min. of Agriculture SN GBA Authentic Registers (persons and enterprises) NACE classification Enterprise Register, Incl. Agriculture Baseline
19 Person Natural Person (GBA, BSN) Legal person Enterprise Economic actor Enterprise Ownership Lokal unit SN-Person Owner- ship Local unit Fiscal unit Statistical unit Identification and units of Min of Agr. PRISMA-system FR of SN