Neidig Elementary Mrs. Pallone, Mrs. Fritz & Mrs. Sutcliffe 1 st grade
I have lived in Quakertown since I was 6. I got my Bachelors in History and was certified to teach Elementary Education from Muhlenberg College. I have my Masters in Reading and Reading Specialist Certification from Kutztown University. This is my tenth year teaching first grade. I love to spend time with my family. I love to read. I am married to Mr. Pallone, who teaches 6 th grade Social Studies at Milford Middle School and coaches the high school varsity baseball team. I have two daughters: Mya, who is almost 4 and Isabella who is 2.
I grew up in East Greenville and attended Upper Perkiomen SD. I got my Bachelors in Social Work from Elizabethtown College and was certified to teach Elementary Education from DeSales University. I have my Masters in Curriculum and Instruction Education from Wilkes University. This is my 9 th year teaching first grade. I love to spend time with my husband, Dave and step-daughter I love to travel and ride my bike on rail trails. I am married to Dave Fritz. We were just married this past June and spent two weeks in Hawaii for our honeymoon. I have a step-daughter, Brielle who is 11 and one nephew, Evan who is 3.
I grew up in Langhorne and attended Neshaminy School District. I got my Bachelors in Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I have my Masters in Reading and Reading Specialist Certification from Gwynedd Mercy College. This is my 7 th year of teaching first grade. I am married to Mr. Sutcliffe and we live in Warminster with our boxer puppy, Luna. I love to spend time with my family and friends. My husband and I love doing things outdoors like hiking, biking, and camping.
Spiral program Differentiating across the grade level based on number sense. Groups are flexible Change based on assessments and data End of year they will need to know… Add and Subtract within 20 Count by 2’s, 5’s & 25’s Tell time to the hour and half hour
Homework –Choice Board Comes home on Monday due the following Monday Must complete 4 activities…that includes the center square. Field Trip…clearances Behavior
Please visit my website! Please visit my website! Raz-Kids Raz-Kids Everyday Math Everyday Math Educational Websites Educational Websites
Guided Reading- each child on his or her level Folders come home during the week. Read the book and send it back the next day. Placemat in guided reading folder Reading Words- in the homework packet, cut apart and practice keep in ziploc bag or pouch. Spelling words
November 11 th, 18 th and 20th from 4 p.m-8 p.m. Please sign up today in the library!