GIVING IS A PART OF WORSHIP We have a box by the exit doors. If this is your church home, please give as you are able to. Giving on May 9: $ 5, Total Giving for May: $ 17, Estimated Monthly Expenses: $ 39, VISITORS: –Don’t give money, but please give us a filled out visitors card in the box by the door. –Visitor Cards are under the chairs.
PRAYER REQUESTS & PRAISES Cards under the chairs can be dropped in the offering box Contact Lauris Shepherd re: a weekly prayer group Sunday mornings at 8:00 to pray for the church
Missional Community small groups of people building community & pursuing the mission of the church Check out the gold list of small groups in our bulletin
Baptism June 6 for details refer to bulletin
IMPACT 2010 Backyard Bible Clubs IMPACT 2010 Backyard Bible Clubs Training Meeting Today After Second Service At Lunch May 16 th
Every Monday 6:30-8:30 pm childcare provided. confidentiality honored.
Sunday School Sabbath All of June + July 4. Sunday School will resume July 11 th.
Small Group Leaders Fellowship/Luncheon May 16 th after the 10:30 Service for Small Group Leaders & Potential Leaders RSVP: Stephen Watson [childcare provided]
World Missions 10% of general giving at GBC is used for world missions for details, refer to bulletin
DINNER FOR 8 resuming June 5 th … Get to know others at Grace Bible! Sign up today!