Viking Survey Results Report Team Assignment 11 Team 2-1
Content 1/ Report survey result Customer satisfaction levels Detail data analysis 2 / Recommendation Survey Conclusions Recommendation
Report survey result Customer satisfaction levels
Report survey result Chart and analysis Customer satisfaction based on question 6 (Overall, how satisfied are you with our software?)
Report survey result Chart and analysis Customer satisfaction based on question 6 (Overall, how satisfied are you with our software?) Analysis and evaluation Question 6 is the question to evaluate overview the Viking product, to know how each customer evaluate about this software. In this chart, we can see all customers are satisfied with Viking product. (Evaluate point 1 and 2 for the product follow Likert Scale)
Report survey result Chart and analysis Customer satisfaction level chart (based on average point of each customer for question 2-6)
Report survey result Chart and analysis Customer satisfaction level chart (based on average point of each customer for question 2-6) Analysis and evaluation But in this chart, we can see 3/5 customer are not enough satisfied with Viking software. However, customer B is very satisfied with the software, the variance is 1.4 So if we calculate average point between 5 customer, result is 1.96 customers are somewhat satisfied with the software. To analyze in detail satisfaction of customer with the Viking software, we must go to the below metric
Report survey result Detail data analysis Quality attributes
Report survey result Detail data analysis
Report survey result Detail data analysis
Report survey result
Recommendation Survey Conclusions The survey confirms that Viking release 1 is accepted by customers, however it’s should be improve a lot to please our customers in a greatest way.
Recommendation Product: Review and improve about installability Improve usability to user can use product easier Prove ability about resolve problem quickly Reduce having a lot problems in product Facilitate to they can modify/add to product Survey: Have some unreasonable questions. So each question need explanation that help customer clearly understand We can use a method: making some different questions for same problem to ensure data that we collected is reliable. Following reading, we recommend to add the criteria to evaluate Importance of each question for customer evaluation themselves. By that way, we can evaluate our product can meet long term and short term goals more accurate based on customer evaluation And we should add more questions based on key quality requirements to evaluate quality of software product more and more.