Nadcap Supplier Support Committee Supplier Support Committee Survey Analysis Demographics Highest responses in English but, greatest number of non domestic responses ever! English: 76% Japanese: 7% Chinese: 7% French: 6% Spanish: 4% Vast majority ( 71.4%) have been accredited greater than five years, 23.9% less than five and 4.7% not accredited. Greatest number of responses from: Non-Destructive Testing (1105) Chemical Processing (945) Heat Treat (877)
Nadcap Supplier Support Committee Supplier Support Committee Survey Analysis Question 7 - In General, Nadcap accreditation has: (check all that apply) –In reference to Supplier’s feedback, relative to Nadcap accreditation, overall there were positive responses and less than 9% responded that had zero or little impact. As we reviewed this data, we felt that we should have had a binary answer first. Question 9 - According to the approved definition, redundant audits have: –Of 2127 responses, 32% reported a decrease with 8% reporting an increase. Question 11 & 12 - I feel that Nadcap has made progress in overcoming challenges related to language and cultural barriers. –Very strong, positive response. 48% agree that Nadcap has made progress while only 8% disagreed. This is good information considering the high number of non-domestic responses. General Questions - Nadcap Value
3 Date Reported: October 2014 Reported By: Survey Sub-Team 2013 Supplier Survey Results Health: Facet: Nadcap Meeting Survey Question 7: In general, Nadcap accreditation has: (Check all that apply) Conclusions: Overall mostly positive responses. Considering the negative, less than 9% responded that had zero impact or value. Recommendations: Continue forward with initiatives already in progress. Supplier base seems to be responding positively. Actions: Continue moving forward. Assigned To: The SSC LT Status: Complete
5 Date Reported: October 2014 Reported By: Survey Sub-Team 2013 Supplier Survey Results Health: Facet: Nadcap Meeting Survey Question 13: Please indicate whether you plan to attend a Nadcap meeting in the next twelve (12) months and the reason(s) why. Please select all that apply. Conclusions: In total, 44.2% of responses said no. Of those, 17% stated this was due to travel expenses. Recommendations: SSC to develop a plan to communicate to suppliers the benefits of attending Nadcap meetings. Actions: SSC is working with PRI Marketing to develop s to promote the value of attending Nadcap meetings along with keeping the suppliers aware of what’s going on in the SSC. Assigned To: SSC and PRI Marketing Status: In Progress
6 Date Reported: October 2014 Reported By: Survey Sub-Team 2013 Supplier Survey Results Health: Facet: Task Group Survey Question 15: If not a voting member, what can we do to encourage you to become a voting member? Conclusions: Outside of Nothing, 52% of respondents felt they needed additional information or simply to be asked to become a voting member Recommendations: Educate suppliers on voting membership requirements, benefits, etc. Actions: Presentations in forums and FAQ’s to be created and delivered at SSC meetings, sponsored events and posted at SSC Helpdesk. Task-group representatives are to go to their respective task-groups and address specific action items. Assigned To: SSC and PRI Status: In Progress
7 Date Reported: October 2014 Reported By: Survey Sub-Team 2013 Supplier Survey Results Health: Facet: Task Group Survey Question 18: Do you understand the Nadcap Task Group performance metrics and their objective? Conclusions: 38.4% require clarification so that they may better understand the task group metrics and objectives. Recommendations: Provide clarification to those task group members who do not understand their metrics. Actions: Communications sub-team and PRI Marketing will make a statement to be posted on the PRI website. Assigned To: SSC and PRI Marketing Status: In Progress
8 Date Reported: October 2014 Reported By: Survey Sub-Team 2013 Supplier Survey Results Health: Facet: SSC Meeting Survey Question 19-21: If you attended a Nadcap meeting in the past, did you attend the SSC meeting? If you did not attend the SSC meeting, why? What can we do to encourage you to attend the SSC meeting? Conclusions: Only 24.2% of Suppliers that have attended a Nadcap meeting in the past went to the SSC meeting. Recommendations: Overall, better communication about the value of attending the SSC meeting is needed. Actions: Communications sub-team and PRI marketing will work together to promote the SSC meeting and explain the benefits of attending to suppliers. messages are being created to distribute to suppliers. Assigned To: SSC and PRI Marketing Status: In Progress
9 Date Reported: October 2014 Reported By: Survey Sub-Team 2013 Supplier Survey Results Health: Facet: SSC Survey Question 25-26: What actions would you like to see the SSC take in the short term (12 months or less)? What actions would you like to see the Supplier Support Committee take in the long term (13-36 months)? Conclusions: Communications was the leading area of improvement identified by the supplier community (short term). Overall, disappointing number of responses for long term goals (long term). Recommendations: These actions have been broken down and, where possible assigned to standing SSC teams that the specific team may review the actual text responses and determine a course of action moving forward (short term). LT will review the specific items that were presented along with interesting individual responses that have merit (long term). Actions: Each sub-team developed actions and have moved forward (short term). LT will create an action plan if response warrants it (long term). Assigned To: SSC and PRI Status: In Progress
10 Questions?