Construction Why Construction The Construction Which are closely related to swimmingly project completion Which Mean: every thing related to Project participants Other participants Project Participants 1. Owner. 2. A/E. 3. Prime General Contract 4. Subcontract Other Participants. 1. User of construction 2. Materials Suppliers. 3. Labor Organization 4. Government regulatory agencies 5. Investors and bank. What Construction Process Main For ME ? Construction is the process of erecting the project, whereby designers, plans and specification are converted into physical structures and facilities. It involves the organization and coordination of all the resources for the project to complete the project. * On Schedule With in the Budget * according to The Standard Of Quality and performance Specified by the A/E and * Safely Construction Why Construction The Construction Which are closely related to swimmingly project completion Which Mean: every thing related to Project participants Other participants Project Participants 1. Owner. 2. A/E. 3. Prime General Contract 4. Subcontract Other Participants. 1. User of construction 2. Materials Suppliers. 3. Labor Organization 4. Government regulatory agencies 5. Investors and bank. What Construction Process Main For ME ? Construction is the process of erecting the project, whereby designers, plans and specification are converted into physical structures and facilities. It involves the organization and coordination of all the resources for the project to complete the project. * On Schedule With in the Budget * according to The Standard Of Quality and performance Specified by the A/E and * Safely
OVRALL PLANNING AND CONTROL FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT OVRALL PLANNING AND CONTROL FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Every thing related to construction Management planning – coordinating – controlling Specified The Professional and Nonprofessional Construction Management Responsibilities of each other (Owner- CM) Description of duties for all of them Follow up phase Follow up phase Significant of Construction MANAGER : CONSTRUCTION MANAGER and his staff are the keys to successful construction CONSTRUCTION MANAGER and his staff are the keys to successful construction To understand Manage and coordinate the project properly Responsibilities of construction Manager. Responsibilities of construction Manager. The field construction manager must plan and coordinate each of major initial operation as would general contractor The field construction manager must have know better – experience and ingenuity to enable him to reacting with many problems avoiding – anticipating before it occurs Minimize The effect unexpected for any thing incorrect and development it. BACK TO.
Type of construction manager We have two type Professional construction Manager Nonprofessional construction manager Before taking about the type of CM would taking how to chose construction manager Once the Professional construction Manager has chosen a sound qualified on site construction Team. Has developed plane for achieving the objectives of the owner. His remaining Duty is know at all times weather the project is proceeding according to plane He can react quickly when necessary to modify, assist, and correct prior planning. From the above formation we can differentiate between two type the professional CM THE Non professional CM The Non professional will blame and threaten the fabricator long after the damage is done. He will use such nonperformance as excuse for not achieving project schedule. THE Professional CM. Will have planed well enough to be able to monitor early performance and react while a satisfactory Will have planed well enough to be able to monitor early performance and react while a satisfactory Solution can still be achieve
Home Office Management Services The basic requirement For – home office organization throughout construction is control We can speaking here about Duty and Responsibility of ( CM,PM, OWNER) Field office can be staffed to provide all or a major part of the necessary services during constriction Home office must depends upon the field construction manager to manage the project in accordance with the predetermined plane. The overall Responsibility and Accountability to the Owner for developing and monitoring. A proper control system are the at the top They cannot be delegate entirely to the field construction manager. Apart from control responsibilities and accountability to the owner. Most or all construction phased management tasks can be delegated to the field C M The extent of detailed work performed in home office during construction. Will dictate Organization Requirements Unique project and for optimum results each will require different planning and assignment of Responsibility between the home office and the field office Location-Owner-Designer – Supplier will affect the balance for an individual project as will the extent of Delegation by the owner to construction Manager. The home office of the PCM (Certain services – Performed
Home Office of the PCM may include Services that : 1 )Provide Management – level reporting to Owner through a straight forward quantitative – description of the project status 2) Keep the owner informed of current and anticipated problems and their planed solution 3) provide general supervision to assist counsel and direct field activity when necessary 4) Monitor or administer project control system initiate remedial action when warranted 5) provide special assistance to the field construction Manager where desirable Such assistance may include preparation of schedules, estimate at completion, fair cost estimation for extra work, claims negotiation and expediting critical materials equipment
Field Management Services Will include the following 1) Establishing field office Including provision for general condition items such as sanitary services, water supply, and temporary electrical and other items to be furnished to the contractor by the owner 2)Hir testing lab. And surveyor either jointly with or with the approval of,the design Testing are involve (soil testing- concrete ) On major project surveying and inspection often are executed directly by PCM on medium project it executed as needed to be more economic 3) Obtaining necessary permits on behave of the owner. The designer or Owner can share some or all responsibility depending on project condition. 4)Managing, coordination, and inspecting the work of contractors help to achieve project cost ; schedule and quality objectives. Weekly contractor meetings with written minutes are often worthwhile
5) performing schedule, progress,and cost- control function as needed for a particular project. Requesting home office assistance for specialty items where indicated. 6)Maintaining job diaries, drawing registers, and other records these records will further assist in evaluating change –order request and claims 7)Initiating notice to proceed for individual contracts, preparing progress- payment requests, Developing final contract closeout in accordance with owner and local requirements 8)Maintaining progress and record photographs as part of progress and schedule controls, and to document potential claims, accidents, or similar occurrences. 9)preparing input for the project control system by evaluating progress of each individual contract 9)preparing input for the project control system by evaluating progress of each individual contract Field Management Services
10) Maintaining job safety in accordance with contract and legal while safety is the responsibility of each individual contractor The manager has duty to assist and to insist upon compliance with contract provision. 11)Maintaining liaison with the designer, who assist him to interpret plans and specification and keeping him fully informed of the project status. 12)Developing information for (as built) drawings compliance a current set of working drawings at the job site of each individual contractor. 13) preparing field report, including weekly progress report, force report, daily report, contract status report, evaluation of claims, evaluation of requests and reports covering other significant.
TYPICAL ORGANIZATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Each project is physically different, has different objectives, and is constructed under different local condition, Depending upon project size, location, and other factor, certain functions can be performed in either the home office or in the field project location. To illustrate a range of professional construction management approaches additional organization charts are included here showing a phased construction program $6 Million dry storage warehouse Figure 4-7 in chapter 4 show an organization chart for example warehouse project The owner and PCM home office are in one city, and the job location are in another $25 Million Meat plant Figure 7-1 as the same concept The owner and the job site are located in one city, and the architect and professional construction manager in another and pla pla
OVRALL PLANNING AND CONTROL FOR GENERALOVRALL PLANNING AND CONTROL FOR GENERALCONTRACTING OVRALL PLANNING AND CONTROL FOR GENERAL With the general contractor approach, all of the requirement previously discussed remain although the performance may be handled by different organization and methods Here the general contractor contracts to take full responsibility for dealing with subcontractors and in managing and coordinating overall job performance in order to achieve planned goals. The owner assign administrative, inspection and testing responsibility to construction manager, to the designer or it may perform such duties with its own employees. Home office Management Services (general contractor) The major requirement for the contractors home –office organization is to obtain new work Manage and control current projects. The overall responsibility for profit and loss and enhancing contractor position with the owner to complete delegation related to business. Field project fall into two distinct categories in relation ship between the job site and home office.
Mountain town Warehouse Head office Survices The following must performed in the head office (contractor elect 1) Preparation of the craft payroll field time, pay checks,tax returns, financial, and cost accounting for the project. 2)Assignment of the a project manager (often the estimator who bid the project who will oversee all aspects of the business operation, monitor, manage the project control system. 3)Keep contractor top management fully informed financial, schedule, expected problems and their proposed solution. 4)Provide Procurement Services (material – equip. manpower ) 5)Review all new drawing,prepare the estimated cost of changes and handle price negotiation with client 6)Review profit,loss, schedule performance and initiate claims as necessary. 7)Supply special assistance,oversight responsibility to the job superintend as reguires
Field Management Services (contr. Cont.) Services to be performed by the field organization under the direction of construction manager Establish the field office, construct, or rent change house and craft shops and supply utilities and other general condition item required by the contract. 2)Manage and coordinate the work of all subcontractor 3) Manage and supervise the work of craft employees including hiring and termination as required. 4)coordinat and integrate the daily, weekly, and long range work schedules for craft employees and subcontractor. 5)Initiate notice to proceed for subcontractor, prepare progress payment requests, perform tests required by contract and prepare contract closeout document with owner and subcontractors. 6)develop an overall job site safety program including subcontract, weekly safety,safety inspection. 7)prepare input control system including coding time cards,measure – install quantity, evaluation subcontractor and other tasks. 8) Maintain progress, record photographs,document claims, accident and other items. 9)Maintain good relation with the owner representative including submitting notification 10) prepare field reports as defined and requested by home office.