How to run RSM on imtf4 As of 2010/8/2 by Kei Yoshimura (AORI)
Using Cygwin in your laptop Double click “cygwin” run “startx” from any terminal, login to imtf4 machine Try “grads” to check X-window works. $ ssh –Y rsm1~rsm6 are available depends on traffic. password: rsm10sapporo symbol is located right-hand side of your keyboard (next to “P”)!!
Cygwin’s window size problem Please change your terminal window size by – click and hold the up-right corner of the terminal. – once drag your mouse outside of terminal – drag back into the terminal – adjust terminal size Create your directory on your home directory, such as – mkdir /work1/RSM/[your name] – cd /work1/RSM/[your name]
Preparation for installation log-in imtf4 $ ssh –Y rsm1~rsm6 are available with password rsm10sapporo
Technical Notes Use /work1/RSM/[your_name] directory instead of /home directory. Then delete your directory in /home. (please do not delete other’s!) Select 2 for number of pes. You may use your computer in your institute instead of imtf4. In this case, You need – either intel or pgi fortran – mpich program if you want to MPI – na/cvs-server-root/cpscvs (see
Typical Troubleshoot Compilation error: – “cvs co” doesn’t work! set CVSROOT correctly – compilation stops! Ask assistants! Execution error: – Finish too early! check files in output directory (r_000). You should have sig.ft48. – Overflown (lots of “*” in out_rfcst files)! shorten DELTAT_REG in rsm/rsim files and rerun. Post-process error: – does not work! copy /home/rsm1/ to your working directory and try again.
Recompile without downloading If you have downloaded the necessary files, you don’t need to do “./install” process. If you have problem in “libs”, – cd libs – configure-libs – make (or make clean, make) If you have problem in “rsm”, – cd rsm – configure-model – make (or make clean, make) If you want to create other executable script – cd rsm_runs – configure-scr XXXXX [rsim, rsm, etc.]
Preparation for installation 2 Set CVSROOT environment For your information: CVS: Concurrent Versions System The CVS in Hokudai is mirrored from Scripps, California. $ export CVSROOT=/work1/RSM/cpscvs or $ setenv CVSROOT /work1/RSM/cpscvs !! without “=“
Installation through CVS $ cd /work1/RSM/[your name] # go to working directory $ mkdir test ; cd test # creating working directory $ cvs co INSTALL # needs to be all capital $./install choose followings model: rsm architecture: mpi institution: ecpc machine: linux nickname: imtf4 compiler: intel additional options: no domain: 37 (81x87, Japan, 30km) -> you can choose any. b ut smaller domain is recommended time: 00:30 (just press enter) # of pes: 2 script: rsm Then compilation starts. This process may take minutes.
Running RSM rsm runs in rsm_runs directory. – this script (rsm) runs a 48 hours simulation from 1990/3/9 0Z. – check the calculation status by or $ cd rsm_runs $./rsm $ top $ tail –f r_000/out-rfcst.ft48 Calculation takes 10 minutes or so.
Visualize the results 1 Let’s use GrADS. Modify r_pgb.ctl as follows (shown by red): $ cd r_000 $ ~/ r_pgb.ft00 > r_pgb.ctl dset ^r_pgb.ft%f2 index ^r_pgb.ft00.idx options template undef 9.999E tdef 17 linear 00Z09mar1990 3hr zdef 12 levels... $ gribmap –i r_pgb.ctl then execute “gribmap”
Visualize the results 2 Launch grads and open r_pgb.ctl For example, you can see an animation of 500hPa level by More description is available at – – mo%2FGrADS%20memo $ grads > open r_pgb.ctl > set z 6 # set the height at 500hPa > set t 1 17 # set the time from 1990/3/9 0Z to 3/11 0Z > d hgtprs # visualize the height
Changing the model domain You may choose domain from def/def_rsm modify rsm/configure-model and compile again. def]$ ls -1 def_rsm/ CVS rsm1024x651_g62k28_usa_10km_merc rsm1024x669_g62k28_usa_10km_merc rsm108x109_g62k28_california_5km_merc... $ cd rsm edit MODEL_DEFINE in configure-model $./configure-model $ make clean ; make $ cd../rsm_runs $ configure-scr rsm
Changing simulation period Use rsim script in rsm_runs directory Continue to next slides. $ cd rsm_runs $./configure-scr rsim edit year, date, time, as you like. $./rsim