Laboratories included in the database AVL EMPA MTC TUG Volvo VTT LAT Shell IFP FFA
Diesel Fuels Volvo was the only one tested D1 MTC additionally used 10% Ethanol blend and an oil-doped diesel AVL And Shell also tested D6 fuel which has 300 ppm S. but higher aromatics content than D2-D4 and D7 fuel which contains 5% RME. TUG operated a bus also with Biodiesel (AME) fuel VTT operated one engine on RME30
Gasoline Fuels EMPA used ARTEMIS Gasoline for SI vehicles (33 ppm S.)
Light Duty Vehicle Cycles (Protocol) NEDC (1180 s) UDC (780 s) ARTEMIS Urban (993 s) ARTEMIS Road (1082 s) ARTEMIS Motorway (1068 s) 50 km/h (300 s) 90 km/h (300 s) 120 km/h (300 s) Conditioning with EUDCs when break exceeds certain intervals (according to Round Robin protocol) Combination of the ARTEMIS cycles is referred to as CADC (Common Artemis Driving Cycles) EMPA measured a cold NEDC and then a hot NEDC followed by a highway cycle (BAB). They also measured FTP75 in one case and did not measure 90 km/h. Shell additionally measured 50 km/h under W1 and with high load. Cold NEDC followed by hot NEDC (not UDC)
Light Duty Test Cycles 50 km/h 50 km/h (high load) [Shell] 50 km/h (W1 DR25:1) [Shell] 90 km/h 120 km/h Artemis (Artemis Motorway – Road – Urban) NEDC (NEDC – ECE – EUDC) FTP75 [EMPA] Bundesautobahn (BAB) [EMPA]
LAT Vehicles: Gasoline: BMW 318 (TWC- Euro I) Toyota Corolla (TWC - Euro III) Diesel: Renault Laguna (Euro III) Renault Laguna & cat DPF (Euro III+) Renault Laguna +add. DPF (Euro III+) VW Golf (Euro I) VW Golf & OxiCat (Euro II)
EMPA Vehicles: Gasoline Renault Megane (TWC - Euro III) Alfa 147 (TWC - Euro III) Toyota Avensis GDI (TWC - Euro III) Diesel Ford Galaxy (Euro III) Peugeot 406 (add. DPF - Euro III+) Included measurements under room, -7°C & -20°C ambient temperature.
MTC Vehicles: Diesel: PSA 607 (DPF - Euro III+) PSA 406 (included -7°C & -20°C) (Euro III) VW Golf (included -7°C & -20°C) (OxiCat - Euro III) Gasoline Honda Accord (included -7°C & -20°C) (TWC - ULEV) Mitsubishi Charisma (included -7°C & - 20°C) (GDI - Euro III)
Shell Vehicles: Diesel VW Golf 1.9 TDI (OxiCat - Euro III) Peugeot TDI (DPF - Euro III+) Gasoline Renault Megane 2.0 (TWC - Euro III) Citroen C5 2.0 (NOx storage - Euro III)
IFP Vehicles: Diesel: VW Golf 1.9 TDI (Oxicat – Euro III) PSA TDI (DPF – Euro III+) Gasoline: Renault Mégane 1.6 (TWC – Euro III) PSA (NOx storage)
AVL Engines: Scania DC l (Euro III) AVL prototype 10.6 l (Euro III) & CRT AVL prototype 11.7 l (Euro III) & SCR
TUG Vehicles: Mercedes CITARO Bus (Euro III) & OxiCat + PM Catalyst EvoBUS (CNG) IVECO (Euro III)
Volvo Engines: Volvo (Euro I) Volvo (Euro III) Volvo (Euro III) & CRT
VTT Engines: Volvo DH10 (Euro II) Volvo DH10 (Euro II) & CRT Scania DC11 (Euro III) Scania DC11 (Euro III) & SiNO x (SCR)
Heavy Duty Test Cycles ESC ETC Extended Steady States St1: ECE R49 Mode 2 (Interm. speed, 10% load) St2: ESC Mode 5 St3: ESC Mode 12 St4: Road load, speed 50/50 St5: Load 25%, speed A-10% St6: Load 50%, speed 50% 9040 City-Bus Cycle [TUG] Braunschweig City-Bus Cycle [TUG] 60 – 20 km/h [TUG]
European Steady State Cycle (ESC)
European Transient Cycle (ETC) Urban Rural Highway
Available After Treatments Light Duty Vehicles: Gasoline: TWC NOx Storage Diesel: Cat DPF DPF + Additive Oxidation Catalyst Heavy Duty Vehicles – Engines: CRT SCR OxiCat PM Catalyst
Fuels Light Duty Vehicles: Gasoline: G1, G2, Unleaded Gasoline 95 RON Artemis (EMPA) Diesel: D2, D3, …, D7, ETD5 (MTC Peugeot 406), OilD5 (MTC Peugeot 406) Heavy Duty Engines – Vehicles: D1, D2, …, D7, RME30 (VTT Scania DC11), Biodiesel (TUG Mercedes CITARO Bus)
Emission Standards Heavy Duty Engines – Vehicles: Euro I Euro II Euro III Euro III+ Light Duty Vehicles: Gasoline: Euro I Euro III ULEV Diesel Euro I Euro III Euro III+