Floyds Fork Bacteria TMDL Andrea M. Fredenburg Kentucky Division of Water TMDL Section November 28, 2012
Goals Present watershed information Present TMDL calculations Provide example for one stream segment Vote on options for path forward to public notice
KY’s Bacteria Criteria Summer PCR Limit (May 1 - Oct. 31)SCR Limit (year round) Bacteria Geometric Mean (colonies/100 ml) Maximum (colonies/100 ml) Geometric Mean (colonies/100 ml) Maximum (colonies/100 ml) Fecal coliform 200 (from 5 samples collected within 30 days) 400 (number not to be exceeded in more than 20% of the samples) 1000 (from 5 samples collected within 30 days) 2000 (number not to be exceeded in more than 20% of the samples) E. coli 130 (from 5 samples collected within 30 days) 240 (number not to be exceeded in more than 20% of the samples) No criterion (this does not mean that any number is safe; rather that KY regulations do not tell the safe limit ) No criterion (this does not mean that any number is safe; rather that KY regulations do not tell the safe limit )
Monitoring Data 319 (h) funded—Currys Fork and Bullitt Co. MSD Historical KDOW data EPA funded—USGS data collection
Currys Fork WBP Sites (2007, 2009) Station Name# % Exceeding WQC (400 col/100 ml) Min (col/100 ml) Max (col/100 ml) Ave (col/100 ml) CF CF CF NC NC1a NC1b NC SC SC TB TB1a
Bullitt County WBP Sites ( ) Station Name# % Exceeding WQC (400 col/100 ml) Min (col/100 ml) Max (col/100 ml) Ave (col/100 ml) BB BB BL BL BR BR CC CC CR FF FF TB TB WR WR
MSD Sample Sites ( ) Station Name# % Exceeding WQC (400 col/100 ml) Min (col/100 ml) Max (col/100 ml) Ave (col/100 ml) ECCCC EFFCR EFFCR EFFFF EFFFF EFFFF EPRPR
KDOW Sample Sites ( ) Station Name# % Exceeding WQC (400 col/100 ml) Min (col/100 ml) Max (col/100 ml) Ave (col/100 ml) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PRI SRW Station Name# % Exceeding WQC (240 col/100 ml) Min (col/100 ml) Max (col/100 ml) Ave (col/100 ml) PRI
USGS Sample Sites ( ) Station Name# % Exceeding WQC (240 col/100 ml) Min (col/100 ml) Max (col/100 ml) Ave (col/100 ml) AR CANE CF FF FF FF FF FF LR LR NFCF PL PL PL SFCF SFCF SLR
USGS Sample Sites ( ) Station Name# % Exceeding WQC (240 col/100 ml) Min (col/100 ml) Max (col/100 ml) Ave (col/100 ml) CC CR CR CR FF FF FF JTOWNSTP PR
Bacteria Impaired Segments 18 impaired stream segments –18 E. coli PCR –4 Fecal coliform PCR –4 Fecal coliform SCR 26 listed waterbody/pollutant combinations
Floyds Fork Bacteria Impairments Waterbody NamePollutantCountyImpaired Use Ashers Run 0.0 to 4.8E. coliOldhamPCR Ashers Run 0.0 to 4.8Fecal coliformOldhamPCR Cane Run 0.0 to 7.3E. coliJeffersonPCR Cedar Creek 4.3 to 11.1E. coliJeffersonPCR Cedar Creek 4.3 to 11.1Fecal coliformJeffersonPCR Chenoweth Run 0.0 to 5.25E. coliJeffersonPCR Chenoweth Run 0.0 to 5.25Fecal coliformJeffersonPCR Chenoweth Run 0.0 to 5.25Fecal coliformJeffersonSCR Chenoweth Run 5.25 to 9.2E. coliJeffersonPCR Chenoweth Run 5.25 to 9.2Fecal coliformJeffersonPCR Chenoweth Run 5.25 to 9.2Fecal coliformJeffersonSCR Currys Fork 0.0 to 4.8E. coliOldhamPCR Floyds Fork 0.0 to 11.7E. coliBullittPCR Floyds Fork 11.7 to 24.2E. coliJeffersonPCR Floyds Fork 24.2 to 34.1E. coliJeffersonPCR Floyds Fork 34.1 to 61.9E. coliShelbyPCR Floyds Fork 34.1 to 61.9Fecal coliformShelbySCR Long Run 0.0 to 9.9E. coliJeffersonPCR North Fork Currys Fork 0.0 to 6.0E. coliOldhamPCR Pennsylvania Run 0.0 to 3.3E. coliJeffersonPCR Pennsylvania Run 0.0 to 3.3Fecal coliformJeffersonSCR Pope Lick 0.0 to 2.1E. coliJeffersonPCR Pope Lick Creek 2.1 to 5.5E. coliJeffersonPCR South Fork Currys Fork 0.0 to 6.1E. coliOldhamPCR South Long Run 0.0 to 3.35E. coliJeffersonPCR UT of South Fork Currys Fork 0.0 to 1.8E. coliOldhamPCR
Floyds Fork Bacteria Impairments
Potential Sources KPDES-permitted sources to WLA Others to LA
Sanitary Wastewater Systems
MS4 Entities
Sewer Lines* *Information Not Available for Jefferson County
Sewer Lines* *Information Not Available for Jefferson County
Septic Tank Suitability
Land Cover
TMDL Calculation Example South Fork Currys Fork 0.0 to 6.1 E. coli PCR impairment SFCF-2 USGS sample site
South Fork Currys Fork
TMDL Equation TMDL (allowable # per day) = Allowable Concentration (allowable # per 100 ml) x Flow (in cubic feet per second) x Conversion Factor (24,465,758.4 per day) Conversion factor is figured as 1 cubic foot = ml and 1 day = seconds 1 x 1 cubic foot x ml x seconds = 24,465, ml second 1 cubic foot 1 day 1 day
SFCF-2 Sample Data USGS Site IDDate Discharge (cfs) E. coli (colonies/ 100 ml) SFCF-25/23/ SFCF-26/11/ SFCF-26/25/ SFCF-27/17/ SFCF-27/31/ SFCF-28/14/ SFCF-29/6/ SFCF-210/16/ SFCF-210/24/ SFCF-26/10/ SFCF-26/23/ SFCF-27/16/2008 <4 SFCF-27/31/ SFCF-28/19/ SFCF-29/23/2008 >1000 SFCF-210/2/ SFCF-210/9/ SFCF-210/16/ SFCF-210/23/
Convert Gage Flow to TMDL Site Flow Gage Date Flow at Gage (cfs) 7/27/ /28/ /29/ /30/ /31/ /1/ /2/ /3/ /4/ /5/ Flow at sample site = Acres of land draining to sample site ÷ Acres of land draining to gage site x Flow at gage Sample Site SFCF-2 Acres Gage Acres Flow at sample site = 4672 acres ÷ acres x 233 cfs Flow at sample site = 21.3 cfs
Site SFCF-2 TMDL TMDL = Allowable Concentration x Flow x Conversion Factor TMDL = 240 E. coli colonies per 100 ml x 21.3 cfs x 24,465,758.4 per day TMDL = 125,068,956,900 E. coli colonies per day TMDL = 1.25E+11 E. coli colonies/day
Segment TMDL Segment TMDL = Site TMDL x Acres at downstream end of segment ÷ Acres at site Sample Site SFCF-2 Acres South Fork Currys Fork at RM 0.0 acres Segment TMDL = 1.25E+11 E. coli colonies/day x 5949 acres ÷ 4672 acres Segment TMDL = 1.59E+11 E. coli colonies/day
TMDL and Flow TMDL = Allowable Concentration x Flow x Conversion Factor TMDL ≈ Flow Sample Load = Sample Concentration x Flow (on sample day) x Conversion Factor
Load Duration Curve
Source Areas
TMDL Allocations TMDL = ∑WLA + ∑LA + MOS Explicit MOS is 10% of TMDL Segment TMDL = 1.59E+11 E. coli colonies/day MOS= 1.59E+11 E. coli colonies/day x 10% MOS= 1.59E+10 E. coli colonies/day South Fork Currys Fork
SWS-WLA SWS-WLA = Allowable Concentration of Bacteria (#/100 ml) x Facility Design Capacity (Design Flow in cfs) x Conversion Factor (24,465,758.4/day) Permit #Facility Name Maximum Allowable Limit for E. coli (colonies/100 ml) Facility Design Capacity (cfs) Conversion Factor (1/day) SWS-WLA (E. coli colonies/day KY Green Valley Apartments ,465, E+08 KY Lakewood Valley ,465, E+08 KY Lockwood Estates Subdivision ,465, E+08 KY Centerfield Elementary ,465, E+07 KYG Gibson Residence ,465, E+06 Total subwatershed SWS-WLA 1.68E+09 South Fork Currys Fork 0.0 to 6.1
Remainder Remainder = TMDL – MOS – ∑SWS-WLA South Fork Currys Fork 0.0 to 6.1 Remainder = 1.59E E E+09 Remainder = 1.42E+11 E. coli (colonies/day)
MS4-WLA MS4-WLA = # Acres of Developed Land in MS4 ÷ # Acres in Subwatershed x Remainder For South Fork Currys Fork 0.0 to acres of developed land in the MS acres in the subwatershed Remainder = 1.42E+11 E. coli (colonies/day) South Fork Currys Fork 0.0 to 6.1 MS4-WLA = 754 ÷ x 1.42E+11 MS4-WLA = 1.80E+10 E. coli (colonies/day)
Future Growth WLA Percent Developed Area in the Subwatershed Future Growth WLA Percentage ≥25%5% ≥20% – <25%4% ≥15% – <20%3% ≥10% – <15%2% ≥5% – <10%1% <5%0.5% Future Growth-WLA = Future Growth WLA Percentage x Remainder South Fork Currys Fork 0.0 to acres of developed land acres of land in the subwatershed. Percent Developed Area = (754 ÷ = 12.68%) Future Growth WLA Percentage = 2%, Remainder = 1.42E+11 Future Growth-WLA = 2% x 1.42E+11 E. coli (colonies/day) Future Growth-WLA = 2.83E+09 E. coli (colonies/day)
LA ∑LA = TMDL - MOS - ∑WLA South Fork Currys Fork 0.0 to 6.1 TMDL = 1.59E+11 MOS = 1.59E+10 ∑ SWS-WLA = 1.68E+09 MS4-WLA = 1.80E+10 Future Growth-WLA = 2.83E + 09 ∑WLA =2.25E+10 ∑LA= 1.59E+11 – 1.59E+10 – 2.25E+10 ∑LA= 1.21E+11
The TMDLs and Allocations E. coli PCR Fecal coliform PCR Fecal coliform SCR
E. Coli PCR TMDLs Waterbody Name TMDL (colonies/ day) MOS (colonies/ day) SWS-WLA (colonies/ day) Future Growth- WLA (colonies/day) MS4-WLA (colonies/day) LA (colonies/ day) Asher Run 0.0 to E E E E E+10 Cane Run 0.0 to E E E E E E+10 Cedar Creek 4.3 to E E E E E E+11 Chenoweth Run 0.0 to E E E E E E+12 Chenoweth Run 5.25 to E E E E E E+10 Currys Fork 0.0 to E E E E E E+11 Floyds Fork 0.0 to E E E E E E+13 Floyds Fork 11.7 to E E E E E E+13 Floyds Fork 24.2 to E E E E E E+13 Floyds Fork 34.1 to E E E E E E+13 Long Run 0.0 to E E E E E E+10 North Fork Currys Fork 0.0 to E E E E E E+11 Pennsylvania Run 0.0 to E E E E E E+09 Pope Lick Creek 0.0 to E E E E E E+11 Pope Lick Creek 2.1 to E E E E E E+11 South Fork Currys Fork 0.0 to E E E E E E+11 South Long Run 0.0 to E E E E E+09 UT to South Fork Currys Fork 0.0 to E E E E E+10
Fecal Coliform PCR TMDLs Waterbody Name TMDL (colonies/ day) MOS (colonies/ day) SWS-WLA (colonies /day) Future Growth- WLA (colonies/ day) MS4-WLA (colonies/ day) LA (colonies/ day) Asher Run 0.0 to E E E E E+09 Cedar Creek 4.3 to E E E E E E+10 Chenoweth Run 0.0 to E E E E E E+11 Chenoweth Run 5.25 to E E E E E+11
Fecal Coliform SCR TMDLs Waterbody Name TMDL (colonies/ day) MOS (colonies/ day) SWS-WLA (colonies/ day) Future Growth- WLA (colonies/ day) MS4- WLA (colonies/ day) LA (colonies/ day) Chenoweth Run 0.0 to E E E E E E+12 Chenoweth Run 5.25 to E E E E E E+12 Floyds Fork 34.1 to E E E E E E+11 Pennsylvania Run 0.0 to E E E E E E+12
Vote TAC review/comments prior to public notice TAC review/comments concurrent with public notice
Contact Information Andrea M. Fredenburg TMDL Section Division of Water 200 Fair Oaks Lane Frankfort, KY