What is a country?
Government If it didn’t exist, we would have to invent it. Government is an institution and their systems that rule a country and its people.
Features of a country (state/nation-state) Population –The most stable governments exist when the people share common ideas and beliefs. Territory –States/countries must have established boundaries. Sovereignty –The country must have supreme and absolute authority over its territorial boundaries. Government –Every state has some form of and system of rules and laws
Government “If men were angels, no government would be necessary” AgreeDisagree
Government If it didn’t exist, we would have to invent it. Government is an institution and their systems that rule a country and its people.
Origins of the State The Force Theory: the theory that the state was born of force—when all the people of an area were brought under the authority of one person or group Evolution Theory: the theory that the state evolved from the family Divine Right Theory: the belief that certain people are either descended from gods or chosen by gods to rule Social Contract Theory: theory that by contract, people surrender to the state the power needed to maintain order and the state, in turn, agrees to protect its citizens
The Force Theory A State was born by force Primal man decided to force his will and rule on others
Evolutionary Theory The state gradually developed from primal families
Divine Right Theory The belief that the rule of king was God- Given and naturally perpetuated by the nobility
Social Contract Theory Agreement among individuals to unite and form a society in which members are governed by a set of rules.
Theories Thomas Hobbes Said people are violent and disorderly and selfish The government maintains order without every man for himself People give up their rights in order to be safe.They have no right to rebel. The need a social contract- government where people act on their own self interest to keep them in control John Locke Said people are moral and reasonable Government protects our natural rights of life, liberty, and property People have natural rights and may overthrow the government that does not protect their rights. Government with consent of the people is the foundation of democracy.
Locke and Hobbes John Locke Thomas Hobbes
What is Purpose of Government? Public policies are in short all those things a government decides to do. Taxation Defense Environment Education Crime Civil rights Health Care Transportation Working Conditions
Maintain Social Order People need government to maintain social order because they have not yet discovered a way to live in groups without conflict.
Provide Public Service One of the important purposes of government is to provided essential services that make community life possible and promote the general welfare. –Sewer system – couldn’t do that on your on –Highways –Firefighters –Food inspectors
Provide for National Security Another task of government is to protect the people against attacks by other states This also includes maintaining positive relationships with foreign nations.
Make Economic Decisions Governments often use their power to reduce the conflict between the rich and the poor by intervening in the economic system.