Tutorial 4: Critical Reading 26 August, 2015
Inductive Argument Ernest Hemingway who is a prolific writer committed suicide. F. Scott Fitzgerald who is another prolific writer was an alcoholic. Therefore, most prolific writers suffered from depression. Are the premises true? Are they “true examples”? Are they specific examples of the general conclusion? Is the conclusion true?
Diagram this argument! Research has shown that women who have a family history of breast cancer will likely inherit the disease. Angelina Jolie’s mother and aunt have breast cancer. Therefore, Angelina Jolie is likely to have breast cancer.
P1(C1): Research has shown that (IF) women who have a family history of breast cancer will likely (THEN) inherit the disease. (a claim based on inductive reasoning) P2: Angelina Jolie’s mother and aunt have breast cancer. (history of breast cancer) Therefore, Angelina Jolie is likely to have breast cancer.
Text Analysis In small groups discuss: sub-headings (if any), repeated key words, the author’s biography, source of article and any information that may help you understand the author’s purpose of writing the article. After you have scanned the article, answer the following questions: 1) What does the title tell you about the article? Can you guess the issue discussed in the article? 2) What is Peter Singer’s background? What is his purpose for writing the article?
Text Analysis Look at the first two paragraphs and the last two paragraphs. What do you think is the main claim? Discuss in a small group.
Text Analysis Read and annotate the text For each paragraph, write one sentence to summarize the purpose of the paragraph within the argument
Text Analysis Diagram the argument from the following paragraph from p. 2 I take these questions…values is important to me. The problem is how to do it. Deductive or Inductive? Is there any problem with the argument?
Text Analysis Diagram the argument from the following paragraph from p. 2 I take these questions…values is important to me. The problem is how to do it. Inductive Is there any problem with the argument? This establishes his ethos (he has a reliable character).
Inductive Reasoning Present the premises. Present the conclusion. Are there enough examples? Is the evidence reliable? Are they representative / typical? Are they true examples (secure)? Did the author overlook important counterexamples? Have all the significant characteristics been considered? (sex, age, economic level, marital status, etc.)
Text Analysis Diagram the argument from the following paragraph from p. 4 All the ethical…average Indian. Deductive or Inductive? Is there any problem with the argument?
Text Analysis Diagram the argument from the following paragraph from p. 4 All the ethical…average Indian. Deductive or Inductive? Is there any problem with the argument? Equivocation is the shifting of the meaning of a given term within a single argument. This fallacy stems from the often ambiguous nature of language. A term may be ambiguous because it has more than one meaning; for instance, the word "affair" may mean a party, a controversial incident, or an extramarital relationship.
Deductive Reasoning Present the premises. Present the conclusion. Explain the logic – how do the premises lead to the conclusion Is the logic valid? Evaluate the truth of the premises Valid + true premises =?
Text Analysis Analyze the logic Anthony’s speech Diagram the argument
Inductive Arguments Tom likes the food at Mr Prata. When I had an egg prata at Mr Prata yesterday, it was really good. The Straits Times printed a review of Mr Prata last week declaring it to be the best restaurant in the area. Therefore, the food at Mr Prata is good.
For next time Read about seven kinds of fallacies – appeal to authority, equivocation, false analogy, false cause, false dilemma, hasty generalization and straw man Before class you need to understand these fallacies Before class each student must find a new example (not in the course materials) of his assigned fallacy. Then the student must post the fallacy in the Google Community (do not identify which fallacy it is; only post the example).