The Enlightenment
The Age of Reason 18th century intellectual movement based on reason caused by the scientific revolution Questioned the physical universe Centered in Paris -the modern Athens Believed in natural laws - very secular Criticized: a) Absolutism b) Established Church Very important to American Revolution
Enlightened Thought 1) Natural science should be used to understand all aspects of life a) Nothing was to be accepted on faith b) Caused conflict with the church 2) Scientific laws were capable of discovering human and natural laws 3) Humans could create better societies and people
Enlightenment Philosophe (Fr. Philosopher) but not only a French movement Critics of absolutism did not face death for their beliefs like in other countries Had to influence the elites French was the lingua franca -international language of educated
All believed in the supremacy of human reason Developed new ideas about God, human nature, good and evil, and cause and effect relationships Humans were basically good, but corrupted by society - people needed guidance Ideas were established by Marquis de Condercet in Progress of the Human Mind. Human history had 9 eras, but the 10 th would be perfect Salon - people of all classes met Madame Geoffrin and du Deffand
Bernard de Fontenelle popularized science and made it easy to understand Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds Fontenelle brought science and religion into conflict (Catholics and Protestants scientists believed their work exhalted God)
John Locke English thinker, rejected Descartes Defended the Glorious Revolution Essay Concerning Human Understanding - Tabula Rasa theory all ideas were from experience
Humans do not want to submit to authority Second Treatise of Government Govt. social contract theory Life, liberty, property People are the power Supported a constitutional monarchy Jefferson
Baron de Montesquieu French attorney Different political theories for different times Established separation of powers
Wrote The Persian Letters which criticized European customs Wrote The Spirit of the Laws (1748) showed that governments were shaped by history. A strong upper class was necessary to prevent abuses: despotism could be avoided if power was shared: but he was not a democrat Admired the English system Greatly influenced Franklin
Voltaire French, François Marie Arouet. Imprisoned in the Bastille for being critical of the king Moved to England Madame du Châtelet who believed women were unequal because of their lack of education
Had an affair with his niece Candide Enlightened Despotism - best government was a good monarch He continually challenged the Church Deism - God was a clockmaker who built the universe and then let it work. rejected fundamental doctrines of Christianity Most philosophes hated religious toleration Died a millionaire because of shrewd business investments He was a reformer not a revolutionary
The Encyclopedia Edited by d’Alembert and Diderot to teach people to think critically Collection of enlightened knowledge Initially banned by the government Not every article was original but the overall effect was revolutionary
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Swiss, brilliant but neurotic People are good Natural education Emile Social Contract (1762) based on two concepts: the general will and popular sovereignty “All men are born free...” Sovereignty resides in the people
Law and Order Critics of the old legal system Denounced torture and capital punishment Rehabilitation of criminal
Economic Thought Critical of mercantilism Govt. has three duties: a) defense against invasion b) maintain civil order c) sponsor public works Did not call for harsher laws and more police to protect economic interests Believed in the “invisible hand” of free competition
François Quesnay In France the Physiocrats advocated laissez-faire economics. Quesnay, advisor to Louis XV denounced mercantilism and stressed the importance of gold and silver Insisted that land was the only source of wealth Should be one tax on wealth derived from the land
Adam Smith Scottish Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776) Production comes from the workers Laissez-faire economics
Conclusion According to Peter Gay there were 3 periods of the Enlightenment roughly : a) dominated by Montesquieu and Voltaire before set the tone of the movement b) Franklin, Hume, Rousseau mid-century fused anticlericalism and scientific speculation into a modern world view c) Holbach and Beccaria politics, social reform, legal reform, metaphysics Criticism progressed by criticizing itself
Enlightenment centered on about twenty big names - but many more followers Roughly 1689 (Montesquieu born) to 1789 (Holbach died) First half were deists who focused on natural law; second half were atheist focused on utility Timid political ideas were forced aside by more radical ideas Although mostly Parisian the thinkers were characterized by anglomania