Unit 1 Terms Politics - The effort to control or influence the conduct and policies of government Anarchy - The absence of government; political disorder Ratify - To approve, or to sign into law
Unit 1 Terms Preamble - The part of the Constitution that tells why the government was created in the way it was Embargo - Prohibiting trade with another nation Revenue - Money collected by the government Articles - The part of the Constitution that tells how our government is composed and how it functions Bicameral - A legislature made up of two houses Unicameral - A legislature made up of one house
Unit 1 Terms Consensus – agreement about basic beliefs Social Contract – theory that by contract, people surrender to the state, the power needed to maintain order, and the state, in turn, agrees to protect its people Thomas Jefferson - primary author of the Declaration of Independence James Madison – primary author of the Constitution
Unit 1 Terms Constitutional Law – involves the interpretation and application of the constitution Command Economy – closely related to Socialism
4 Purposes of Government Maintain social order Provide public services National defense Make economic decisions
Democracy –free elections with competing political parties –Individual liberty Autocracy - totalitarian dictatorship - examples…Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin
Capitalism - free enterprise - private ownership and control of property and economic resources - competition among businesses Socialism - distribution of wealth equally - public ownership of most land, factories, and other means of production - government provides public services
Communism - state owned land, natural resources, industry, banks, and transportation facilities; state controlled mass media John Locke – wrote the “textbook of the American Revolution”