Delivering added value
Introduction Adding Value Products Operations Fair Trade Sustainability Summary & Questions Agenda
Over 100 years old Privately owned Annual turnover of £270m Highly experienced in public sector, particularly education and healthcare Long standing relationships with major customers – partnership approach Introduction
DBC will aggregate your products with similar products to benefit from volume purchases across the business. eg we will buy all our requirements for main stream commodities in one purchase so CEL members will benefit from volumes sold by DBC to MoD contract We are now using Iceland PLC purchasing leverage (£2billion p.a.) to ensure DBC obtain the best possible prices Membership of Landmark Group ensures we are aware of price movements across the wholesale sector Where we anticipate price increases we will, with the individual units agreement, buy forward to ensure price stability We continually re-specify own brand products to reduce salt, sugar, salt, fat etc and benchmark against leading supermarket own label products Adding Value Products
DBC buyers work with our national account team to ensure customers are aware of the options open to them to reduce costs by: Switching brands Switching suppliers Changing products Reviewing pack sizes Branded manufacturers’ promotional offers will be made available to all units on a monthly basis and will be overlaid with specific promotion activity on key product areas, directed at member groups ie Universities DBC buyers use internet auction tools on a regular basis to drive costs down Many of DBC product costs are assessed monthly by Catering Price Index (CPI) in comparison with ‘best prices’ across the public sector Adding Value Products
Continual review of delivery frequency and timings to ensure optimum usage of vehicles and minimisation of fuel usage Potential for consolidating deliveries from a number of suppliers eg non-food, fruit and vegetables etc to: Reduce food miles Reduce number of vehicles Reduce number of invoices Waste vegetable oil collection service – free of charge Adding Value Operations
A wide range of fair trade products are available from DBC, ranging from beverages to confectionery & biscuits We are currently working with the Fair Trade Foundation to develop the range penetration of Fair Trade products into the education and healthcare sectors Regular promotional activity on Fair Trade products Unique deal with Thirsty Planet water: Thirsty Planet do not rely on profits before donating to charity. For every case of 24x500ml still water bought through DBC, Thirsty Planet will donate £1.20 per case directly to Pump Aid. DBC also donate a further 50p per case sold So for every case sold through DBC Pump Aid are GUARANTEED £ p gives someone clean water for life! Fair Trade
DBC suport the ethical tea partnership, a co-operation between many of the largest tea manufacturers to ensure the tea they use is ethically sourced. Tetley and Twinings are both members of the Ethical Tea Partnership and are DBCs category partners DBC supply a range of products such as Kenco coffee, whose products are Rainforest Alliance Certified – helping to ensure a sustainable future for coffee farmers DBC supply Paterson’s biscuit range, which is completely free from palm oil so are orang-utan friendly! Fair Trade
DBC encourage use of local suppliers through ‘meet the buyer’ events Shared vehicle utilisation to minimise costs and environmental impact All new vehicles carry Frigoblock refrigeration units and meet the latest Euro 5 regulations to continue DBC’s commitment to reducing the environmental impact of operations. Frigoblock benefits: Reduce the overall vehicle weight, fuel consumption, noise and CO2 emission by up to 50% with other harmful emissions like Nox being reduced by up to 90%. Low noise levels of these units allow early morning or late night operations to occur with minimal risk of disturbance Sustainability
Empty vehicles used to backhaul products from key suppliers Active program to minimise packaging on own brand products ISO14001 accreditation was awarded to first DBC branch in Feb 2009 and is being rolled out across other branches Full range of MSC Certified fish products are available from DBC Sustainability
We will add value to your food purchases We actively look to reduce our impact on the environment We believe in a partnership approach We look forward to working with CEL Members throughout the contract DBC Foodservice will give you excellent service and value for money Summary