Into Groups: 1.What will you do to attract more members to the organisation? 2.Think of a Fundraising Activities
Membership/donations Publicity materials: Leaflets given to workplaces, churches, colleagues, Cooperate organisations A Small groups in our churches and encourage each other to donate C Appeal letters, car boot sale, musical concerts.B
Group 3 Conduct survey and findout why members are not contributing; ie finance, interest Get professional support to assist in financial planning, budgeting etc Continue to encourage DB To evaluate financial contribution Send out reminders: newsletters, , bulletin to advertise SLAA to other churches - C Bring back lost members through prayers, regular contacts
Group 3 Car boot sale, door to door Charity shop, canisters into shops Sponsored activities: Sabbath walk Write to cooperate organisations for funding Raise awareness about SLAA to family members
Group 2 Strengthen the members by encouraging those who have left. C Write to ex members, family members, target the SL community Key members consistently contributing to act as mentors to encourage other members about contributions (reminder)
Fundraising group 2 Conducting musical concerts, car boot sales Sponsored activities: singing in different churches
Cooperate/Cani ster collections -A Sponsored Activities - B Membership - C Write to cooperate organisations for funding. Leaflets newsletters, , bulletin Youtube Video advert Musical concerts, car boot sales, Leaflets Singing in different churches Sabbath walk Church Choir Paid up BBQ Appeal letters Continue to encourage DB Evaluate financial contribution newsletters, , bulletin