Rhetoric Project Jillian Dyer
Exigence Keith Grant-Davie has come up with the idea that exigence is made up of three questions. What is the discourse about? Who, what, when, and why? Why is the discourse needed? Causes and Values? What is the discourse trying to accomplish. Goals and objectives? To me this means, why the piece of work was created, what is its purpose ect. What happened in the world that made this piece necessary?
Audience Laura Carroll defines audience those who are the intended or unintended recipients of the rhetorical message, and the audience should be able to help address the problem. There can be intended and unintended audiences. The intended audience is the group of people the piece of work was made for Unintended audience is a secondary group of people that may see the piece and react to it, even though it wasn’t created for them.
Constraints Grant Davie defines constraints as all factors in the situation, aside from the rhetor and the audience, that may lead the audience to be either more or less sympathetic to the discourse, and that may therefore influence the rhetor’s response to a situation. Positive constraints: Things that help get the rhetor’s point across. Persuades the audiences ideas to be the same as the rhetors. Negative constraints: Things that hinder the audience from receiving or understanding the rhetor’s message.
The (RED) Foundation Background The (RED) foundation is a branch of the Global Fund Charity. It is directly connected with Bono’s ONE foundation. It was started in 2006 Their main goal is to have no more babies born with AIDS by 2015 They want to have an AIDS free generation as soon as possible.
The exigence of my ad The larger than ever spread of the AIDS/HIV virus. The need to find a cure for HIV and AIDS. The charity thinks that as a group we can cure AIDS.
Audience The intended audience of this advertisement would be the average American citizen, people with money to donate to the cause, and people who believe in finding a cure. The unintended audience would maybe be doctors or scientists who would be able to be a part in finding a cure.
Positive constraints Wealthy people who can donate to the cause. People who have been affected by AIDS. People who believe in finding a cure. People who are connected with the charity. Someone who is related to someone in Africa who is fighting the disease
Negative Constraints People who cannot afford to donate People who don’t have internet. People who just don’t care about the disease. People that donate to another charity already.
Analysis of the ad The advertisement has a very simple color scheme, including only red and white. This is important because it doesn’t distract the viewer from the main issue. The name of the charity is (RED), this makes red an appropriate background choice. Red symbolizes life and emotion, the charity wants to bring life back to those affected by AIDS
Analysis The white lettering is pure and simple. It is not flashy or entertaining, it is serious and gets it’s message across. The message here is that only if we work together can we find a cure. The color white symbolizes heath and peace, which are two of the things the (Red) charity is trying to accomplish. JOINRED.COM is in tiny letters down at the bottom of the ad. I feel that they made it so small so it wouldn’t distract from the main image.
Analysis of Picture The picture in the advertisement shows Africa and a cross put together. It also appears in only white to symbolize peace and health. The cross symbolizes faith and hope, these are things the citizens of Africa have. Africa needs our help, that is why their country is made to look like a cross. More than 1,000 babies were born with HIV everyday in 2010.
Other advertisements The red and white advertisements are a constant theme on the (RED) website. Almost all of their ads follow this theme. The constant and straight forward theme of the ads helps get their message across quickly and simply
Join the fight! Go to joinred.com and be a part of the AIDS free generation!
Works Cited Grant-Davie, Keith. “Rhetorical Situations and Their Constituents.” Rhetoric Review 15.2 (1997): Print (RED) FIGHTING FOR AN AIDS FREE GENERATION. ONE Campaign, n.d. Web. 28 Jan Carroll, Laura Bolin. "Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Steps toward Rhetorical Analysis Parlor, Vol. 1 of Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Print.