 Biology is the study of life  7 Characteristics of Life ◦ Cellular Organization---made of one (unicellular) or many (multicellular) cells. Atoms--Molecules--Organelles--Cell--Tissue-


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Presentation transcript:

 Biology is the study of life  7 Characteristics of Life ◦ Cellular Organization---made of one (unicellular) or many (multicellular) cells. Atoms--Molecules--Organelles--Cell--Tissue- --Organs--Organ System—Organism Respond to Stimuli Maintain Homeostasis Have metabolism Grow and Develop Reproduce Change through Time

 There is tremendous diversity (variety) among living things.  We classify living things to make it easier to study them.  Organisms are grouped into 3 Large Domains: Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya

Domain Archaea Kingdom Archaebacteria Domain Bacteria Kingdom Eubacteria Domain Eukarya Kingdom Protista Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Animalia

 Each kingdom is then broken down into smaller and smaller groups.  This system is based on the system created by Carolus Linnaeus. ml “Don’t Kids Prefer Candy Over Fresh Green Salad” or “Didn’t King Phil Come Over From Great Spain”

 Every organism is categorized and given a two-part scientific name

 There is also some unity among all living things. ◦ The genetic code is universal ◦ Cells carry out the same basic activities: maintaining homeostasis, carrying out respiration, copying DNA, etc. ◦ The same cellular structures have similar functions

 The scientific method is an organized set of steps used to solve problems: ◦ Make an Observation —perceive a natural occurrence which causes you to pose a question ◦ State the Question ◦ Hypothesize and Predict —give an explanation that tries to answer the question and then make predictions as to what would happen if the hypothesis were true. ◦ Experiment—design and run a test for the hypothesis ◦ Analyze Data and Draw Conclusions ◦ Publish Conclusions —so that others can verify, reject, or modify your results.

 A good experiment is called a controlled experiment. It has several parts: ◦ Control group —this group provides a normal standard against which results are compared ◦ Experimental group —this group is identical to the control group except for one factor ◦ Independent variable —the factor that changes in an experiment. Also called the manipulated variable. ◦ Dependent variable —the factor that is being observed or measured. Also called the responding variable.

 Scientists collect two types of data: ◦ Quantitative Data —data measured in numbers ◦ Qualitative Data —data recorded as a description of something ◦ Both must be detailed

 A scientific theory is a highly tested, generally accepted principle that explains a vast number of observations and experimental data.  Examples: Cell Theory, Quantum Theory, Theory of Relativity, Theory of Natural Selection