Internet2 International Connectivity Overview Heather Boyles Ana Preston Christina Siroskey
Internet2 International Connectivity Partner links to the US NSF-funded links IRNC program projects IEEAF-donated links Internet2-funded link
Europe-Middle East Austria (ACOnet) Belgium (BELNET) Croatia (CARNet) Czech Rep. (CESNET) Cyprus (CYNET) Denmark (Forskningsnettet) Estonia (EENet) Finland (Funet) France (Renater) Germany (G-WIN) Greece (GRNET) Hungary (HUNGARNET) Iceland (RHnet) Ireland (HEAnet) Israel (IUCC) Italy (GARR) Jordan (JUNET) Latvia (LATNET) Lithuania (LITNET) Luxembourg (RESTENA) Asia-Pacific Americas Argentina (RETINA) Brazil (RNP2/ANSP) Canada (CA*net) Chile (REUNA) Costa Rica (CR2Net) Mexico (Red-CUDI) United States (Abilene) Panama (RedCyT) Peru (RAAP) Uruguay (RAU2) Venezuela (REACCIUN2) Malta (Univ. Malta) Netherlands (SURFnet) Norway (UNINETT) Palestinian Territories (Gov’t Computing Center) Poland (POL34) Portugal (RCTS2) Qatar (Qatar FN) Romania (RoEduNet) Russia (RBnet) Slovakia (SANET) Slovenia (ARNES) Spain (RedIRIS) Sweden (SUNET) Switzerland (SWITCH) Syria (HIAST) United Kingdom (JANET) Turkey (ULAKBYM) *CERN Australia (AARNET) China (CERNET, CSTNET, NSFCNET) Fiji (USP-SUVA) Hong Kong (HARNET) Japan (SINET, WIDE, JGN2) Korea (KOREN, KREONET2) New Zealand (NGI-NZ) Philippines (PREGINET) Singapore (SingAREN) Taiwan (TANet2, ASNet) Thailand (UNINET, ThaiSARN) 78 Networks reachable via Abilene Algeria (CERIST) Egypt (EUN/ENSTIN) Morocco (CNRST) Tunisia (RFR) South Africa (TENET) Central Asia Africa Armenia (ARENA) Georgia (GRENA) Kazakhstan (KAZRENA) Tajikistan (TARENA) Uzbekistan (UZSCI)
Abilene Update Tuesday 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Salon C
Abilene changes relevant to international peers IPv6 and multicast transit traffic Background: Abilene peers with commercial IPv6 and multicast networks This is an exception to our policy not to peer with commercial networks As a way to encourage commercial deployment of IPv6 and multicast Change: no longer announcing non-customer routes to commercial IPv6 and multicast peers Rationale: some commercial peers complaining because it is not standard commercial practice to announce non-customers Impact: some international peers may have lost previously seen routes to commercial v6 and multicast networks via Abilene
Abilene changes, cont’d Transit to “fednets” US federal government research networks ESnet, NREN, NISN, DREN Abilene ITN service initial could not provide fednet to non-US net transit This became possible early last year Where direct peering not possible Where requested by both peers Some fednets have restrictions or special requirements for enabling peering
Abilene routing policies Abilene peering with Routeviews Objective: to help provide global R&E network community better insight into Abilene routing policies As Chris Robb’s presentation mentioned, contemplating other changes that could be made
HOPI Testbed International connectivity HOPI update Tuesday, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Salons I/II/III Hybrid Optical Packet Infrastructure (HOPI) initiative Testbed: Abilene + 10G wave on NLR footprint
HOPI Testbed International Connectivity Within US, available at: PacificWave StarLight MAN LAN NGIX-East 10G connection to London to support collaboration with similar European efforts MAN LAN in NYC to GEANT2 PoP in London Connected in London real soon now
GEANT2 – Internet2 Service Trial: switched point to point services GEANT2 services include switched, point-to- point GigE-based services –Bundled as part of core subscription for NRENs Internet2 to offer similar services –Currently via HOPI testbed –Ultimately via Newnet Desire to trial technical and organization model for making these services available across both GEANT2 and Internet2 communities
The details June – December 2006: service “trial” period –Invite connectors/users in both communities to request service to connector/user in the other community GEANT2 users: those with access to GE or wavelength services Internet2 community: those with access to HOPI testbed
Longer-term Financial model: costs for service lie where they fall –E.g. GEANT2 users follow their cost model for GEANT2-carried portion; same for Internet2 service users –Trans-atlantic costs considered sunk for now; will examine as understand demand Will equip at least two of the 10Gbps links in place or planned between Internet2 and GEANT2 to support