Chapter 16: Russia and the Caucasus
Section 1: Psychical Geography Read Section 1 of chapter 16 with a partner or alone and then fill out the questions for chapter 16 section 1 in your note packets
Section 2: History and Culture of Russia
Early History and Empire AD 800’s Viking traders from Scandinavia invaded the Slavs. These Vikings were called the Rus (Roos) which is probably where the word Russia comes from. The Vikings shaped the first Russian state among the Slavs; Kiev (now the capital of Ukraine) Missionaries introduced the Christian faith to Kiev. Introduced the Greek alphabet Cyrillic as well; Russians adopted this alphabet and still use it today. 1200’s Mongol invaders called the Tartars conquered Kiev. Allowed Russian Princes to rule over local states Muscovy became the string central state; its main city was Moscow. Early History and Empire
Early History and Empire Ivan III (Muscovy’s prince) seized control of the Mongols. In 1540’s is grandson, Ivan IV, crowned himself Czar (emperor) or Russian for Caesar. Cruel and savage ruler he became known as Ivan the Terrible. Muscovy developed into the country of Russia; strong czars built Russia into a huge empire and world power. Remained a country of poor farmers while the czars and nobles had most of the wealth. 1900’s Russians began demanding improvements. Early History and Empire
War and Revolution 1914 Russia entered WWI Suffered huge loses/Food shortages When the Czar seemed to ignore peoples hardship they rose up against him and he was forced to give up his throne in 1917. Bolsheviks (radical Russian communist party) seized power in the Russian revolution Killed the Czar and his family 1922 formed a new country the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) First leader was Vladimir Lenin War and Revolution
The Soviet union, led by Lenin, became a communist country. The government owns all property and controls all aspects of life. 1924 Lenin died and Joseph Stalin too power ruling as a brutal dictator. Stalin Command Economy- the government owns all businesses and farms and makes all the decisions. Strictly controlled the people of Russia and the economy. Anyone who spoke out against the government was jailed, exiled or killed. Gulags- Harsh Soviet labor camps in Siberia The Soviet Union
1980’s Soviet economy was near collapse due to high costs of weapons Gorbachev (Soviet Leader) started to reduce government control and introduce some democracy. Soviet republics began to push for independence 1991 Soviet Union collapsed (broke into 15 countries including Russia) During WWII Russia fought with the Allies against Germany. When millions of Russians died, Stalin wanted to build to buffer around Russia to protect it from invasion so he began to set up communist governments in Eastern Europe. US opposed communism, this led to the Cold War A period of time of tense rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States. Cold War and Collapse
Culture Russia is very diverse with more than 140 million people Ethnic Russians Slavs Tartars Ukrainians Religion: Russian Orthodox Christian (mainly) Islam Buddhism Other forms of Christianity St. Basil’s Cathedral In Moscow’s Red Square Ivan IV built it in honor of Russian military victories. Culture
Culture Arts and Sciences Customs Russian Ballet companies are world famous Space Research- 1957 launched Sputnik (the first artificial satellite in space) Faberge Eggs- covered in emeralds and rubies Famous composers Peter Tchaikovsky- produced “The Nutcracker” Customs Religious holidays like Christmas and Easter, the main family holiday is New Years Eve. New Holiday in Russia is Russian Independence Day which marks the end of the Soviet Union on June 12th. Culture
Section 3: Russia Today
Federal Republic- A system in which power is divided between national and local governments. President- voters elect and serves as the country's chief executive Prime minister-(appointed by president) serves as head of the government Federal assembly-makes the country's laws Increased democracy led to more freedom for Russians Government
Market Economy- economy based off of free trade and competition. Russian government has greatly reduced its control of the economy, more businesses and farms are privately owned. Service industries make up the largest part of Russia’s economy Exports: Oil/Natural Gas/ timber/ metals and chemicals Grains/ Fruits/ potatoes/ sugar beets Economy
City and Rural Life Cities Rural 75% of Russians live in cities More restaurants and shops Consumer goods such as TVS are more readily available Russians are becoming wealthier and having a more luxurious lifestyle. Large parks and wooded areas Rural Dachas- Russian country houses owned buy wealthier Russians throughout Russia City and Rural Life
Cultural Regions Jigsaw Activity You will be split into groups and given a region within Russia to read together as a group (pgs. 390-393) You need to come up with at least 3 facts that describe your region to share with the class You will be given 10 minutes to do this and then will be called up to the board to write your facts down for the class Cultural Regions Jigsaw Activity
St. Petersburg Region Moscow Region
The Volga and Urals Regions Siberia
The Russian Far East Russian Challenges
Section 4: The Caucasus Georgia Armenia Azerbaijan
Located in the Caucasus mountains between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. Caucasus’s reflect a range of cultural influences; many people who have invaded the area before left pieces of their culture behind Persians Greeks Romans Arabs Turks Mongols Russians took control of much of the Caucasus in the early 1800’s. Ottoman Turks controlled was is now Western Armenia Overtime Turks began to distrust Armenians and started to abuse and kill them in the early 1900’s. During WWI- Turks forced all Armenians to leave (ethnic cleansing) Turks lost WWI and had to give up Armenia History
After WWI Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia all gained independence. 1920’s they became part of the Soviet Union 1991 the Caucasus republics achieved true independence. History
Had to create new governments and economies once they became independent Similar governments with an elected president, appointed prime minister and elected parliament that makes laws The Caucasus Today
The Caucasus Today Georgia Located east of the Black Sea Tbilisi is the capital 70% of people living in Georgia are ethnic Georgians Most belong to the Christian orthodox church Language- Georgian They have their own Alphabet Since 1991 they have struggled with unrest and civil war 2003- forced out their president in a peace Rose revolution Unrest has hurt their economy but international aid is helping to improve it Economy is based on services and farming Famous for their wine and resort areas near the black sea. The Caucasus Today
The Caucasus Today Armenia 1990’s fought a war against neighboring country Azerbaijan, Armenia wanted an area with an Armenian population in Azerbaijan to become apart of Armenia Cease fire in 1994 War hurt the economy, international aid is helping to restore it Diamonds is becoming a big industry in Armenia Armenia Located south of Georgia, small landlocked country (not much bigger then Maryland) Capital- Yerevan Almost all people are ethnic Armenian Most people belong to the Armenian orthodox church The Caucasus Today
The Caucasus Today Azerbaijan Located east of Armenia Largely Muslim country Economy based largely on oil found under the Caspian Sea Capital- Baku Strong economic growth due to oil industry; corruption is high though and many people are poor in the country The Caucasus Today