School of Mechanical Engineering Global Engineering Professional Seminar ME 290 Week10 1.Announcements: Quiz 1 posted, Quiz II, Week 13, early profiles, +1—place in attendance folders. 2.Today: Highlights for Profiles, Intro—Part II Readings 3.Also today: Purdue ME China semester program: Engineering Term Abroad” (ETA) in Shanghai (folders!) 4.Next week: All Profiles due! Please use cover sheet and staple pages! Also: Around the world with ME.
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Spring ›1.Organize! Use major subdivisions, think present, past, then future! ›2. Identify specific challenges you have met—what did you do? What exactly happened? ›3. Include ethical reasoning example! Right versus right requires reasoning! Use ethical reasoning vocabulary! ›4. Use technical vocabulary in discussing your interests! Resources include the National Academy of Engineering, ›4. Collaborate—standard professional practice, “document cycling.” Profiles--Add impact…
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Spring ›1. Remember to sign the cover page, provided in the assignment packet, and place on top of your profile and two resumes (draft and final)—please staple! An e-copy of that cover sheet is also available from the website, ›3. Note that basis for evaluation is provided in the assignment packet—20 points for “Global Profile” and 10 points for “ME Resume.” Turning in profiles…
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Spring Readings Part II ›1.Globalization—Area Specific Issues – Different patterns of development—see “BRIC” and “CIVETS”, note change in Colombia. – Note issues in Africa ›2. Global Leadership Speaking – India, China, USA
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Spring ›ETA-SJTU is “class size”—go together with 35 Purdue ME’s—only such program at Purdue! ›Cost neutral even BEFORE $3000 travel awards for every participant; no change in tuition from W.L. ›All credits pre-approved for use toward the Purdue BSME, earn from 12 to 19 credits, your choice! ›Guaranteed seat by applying before May 1, 2015! ›Bring your friends—they will thank you! Purdue ME Premier Program: ETA in Shanghai, China
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Spring ›Would you do this again? Recommend to others? ›What about “The Government”—observations? ›What about pollution—observations? ›What about safety? ›How hard are the courses? ›What about food? What about costs? Questions?
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Spring ›Participants from last year, Spring 2014: – Paul Bloodgood, James Ella, – Emmett Kearney – Video: Garrett Bacon ›Participants this year, Spring 2015 – Brendan Michaelsen, Katie Desmond Guests today: