Ch.6, Sec.4 – Declaring Independence The Continental Army Is Formed The Continental Army Is Formed - the Minutemen were able to build a militia 20,000.


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Presentation transcript:

Ch.6, Sec.4 – Declaring Independence The Continental Army Is Formed The Continental Army Is Formed - the Minutemen were able to build a militia 20,000 strong around Boston & the British troops moved into Boston hoping the surrounding water would protect them - on May 10, 1775, Americans attacked England’s Fort Ticonderoga in New York, led by Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys

Ch.6, Sec.4 – Declaring Independence - Allen & the Green Mountain Boys beat the British and captured the fort with its artillery – later to be used in Boston!

Ch.6, Sec.4 – Declaring Independence - on that same day, May 10, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia with delegates including Sam & John Adams, John Hancock, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Patrick Henry - at this meeting, they agreed to form the Continental Army with George Washington as commanding general, and the printing of money to pay the troops

Ch.6, Sec.4 – Declaring Independence - after the Rebels seized Bunker Hill next to Boston in June of 1775, the British attacked - the British won the battle, but it came at a great cost: over 1,000 British soldiers were killed & 400 militia rebels The Battle of Bunker Hill The Battle of Bunker Hill - the inexperienced colonial militia had held its own against the world’s most powerful army!

Ch.6, Sec.4 – Declaring Independence

- in July of 1775, Congress drafted the Olive Branch Petition, which asked King George III to restore harmony - the King rejected the petition and vowed to punish the colonists for their disloyalty A Last Attempt at Peace A Last Attempt at Peace - George Washington decided to help train the Boston militia & came up with a bold plan to invade Quebec, defeat the British, & convince the Canadians to join the rebels - under Benedict Arnold in November of 1775, they attacked Quebec but failed miserably and marched home in defeat

Ch.6, Sec.4 – Declaring Independence - 59 cannons from Fort Ticonderoga arrived in Boston after two months - Washington pointed all of them at Boston, which resulted in General Howe withdrawing his 9,000 British troops The British Retreat from Boston The British Retreat from Boston - the Minutemen had reclaimed their city without attacking!!!

Ch.6, Sec.4 – Declaring Independence - the publication of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense convinced many Americans a complete break from England was needed - Paine ridiculed the idea that kings ruled by the will of God Common Sense Is Published Common Sense Is Published - Paine believed all monarchies were corrupt - the call for independence from England had become a roaring cry!!!

Ch.6, Sec.4 – Declaring Independence - in May of 1776, Congress adopted a resolution authorizing the 13 colonies to establish their own governments - on June 7, Richard Lee of Virginia introduced a resolution calling the colonies free and independent states from England A Time of Decision A Time of Decision - Congress debated the resolution, but were not ready to vote on it, so they appointed a committee to draft a Declaration of Independence - the committee included Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, & Thomas Jefferson

Ch.6, Sec.4 – Declaring Independence

- Jefferson was chosen to compose the Declaration of Independence because he was a good writer & Virginian - he wrote it in two weeks and Congress adopted Richard Lee’s resolution on July 2, 1776

Ch.6, Sec.4 – Declaring Independence - on July 4, 1776 Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, with John Hancock signing the document 1 st - Hancock wrote in large letters and commented, “There, I guess King George will be able to read that!” The Declaration Is Adopted The Declaration Is Adopted - the document was based on John Locke’s idea of inherent rights of man

Ch.6, Sec.4 – Declaring Independence - the Liberty Bell was rung to announce the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence, in Philadelphia on July 8, the crack is believed to have happened on the anniversary of Washington’s birthday in 1846

Ch.6, Sec.4 – Declaring Independence

- please read the last four paragraphs on pages, 164, and for more information on the Declaration of Independence!

Ch.6, Sec.4 – Declaring Independence