Ensis Wood Processing THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Adding value to radiata pine wood: stiffness and dimensional stability enhancement by a novel process Adya Singh, Tatjana Smolic, Elizabeth Dunningham
Introduction Pinus radiata, New Zealand’s important natural resource But it lacks stability and stiffness required in high value applications High performance applications demand specific property improvements
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Objectives To enhance dimensional stability and stiffness To launch high value product in the market Possible applications: furniture, joineries...
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Process development A novel process developed to enhance stiffness through chemical treatment in combination with heat and compression
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Materials and Methods Rotary peeled veneer Dry sapwood Veneer samples conditioned at 20 C and 50% RH
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Zirconyl chloride treatment 30 min soak in ZrOCl 2 x8H 2 0 solution Range of salt concentrations used ( %)
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Veneers saturated and radially pressed to 40% compression Pressing temperature 130°C Pressing time 15 min 200mm 100mm
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION 3 point bend test (before and after compression) Tensile test (compressed samples only)
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Veneer sample cut up for testing HT1 HT2 WS1 WS2 TT 15mm 40mm 100 mm
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Treated and compressed veneer was also tested For dimensional stability (humidity cycling, and 24 hr water soak) Surface hardness Microscopically and Chemically HT1 HT2 WS1 WS2 TT 15mm 40mm 100 mm
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Scanning Electron Microscopy Control uncompressed Control compressed Zr treated compressed
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Chemical testing Zr content in treated veneer by ICP carbohydrate content (CHO) analysis NMR (not successful) SEM-EDAX (not successful) XPS (ESCA) (not successful)
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Compression and thickness reduction
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Density before and after compression Error bars represent one standard deviation
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Properties of unmodified radiata pine Radiata pine is a medium density softwood Dry timber (from 30 years old trees) has average density of 453kgm -3, MOE=8.23GPa and MOR=85.8MPa
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Stiffness improvement Overall improvement by bend test
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Error bars represent one standard deviation Specific stiffness of Zr treated compressed veneer Modulus of Elasticity was normalised to specific value by dividing MOE with specific gravity Stiffness improvement increased with increasing density Salt concentrations did not increase stiffness
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Stiffness and strength in tension Measured 12 months after initial MOE
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Humidity cycling conditions 20°C& 65%RH 25 °C & 90-96%RH 25 °C & 30-40%RH Thickness recovery (spring back) measured after humidity cycling
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Thickness recovery after humidity cycling
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Thickness recovery after 24 hours water soak
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION SEM images Uncompressed veneer showing normal appearance of axial tracheids and rays and radial files of axial tracheids
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Untreated compressed veneer showing considerable spring back of cells after water soak prior to block preparation (for microscopy)
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION 3% ZrOCl 2 x8H 2 O treated and compressed veneer showing excellent compression retention after water soak prior to block preparation (for microscopy) Note that compression extends throughout the entire thickness of veneer
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION 3% ZrOCl 2 x8H 2 O treated and compressed veneer The pattern of cell deformation is irregular, some cells are radially flattened but others deformed unevenly
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION 3% ZrOCl 2 x8H 2 O treated and compressed veneer Radial flattening of cells is evident in some parts Cell walls are highly deformed but are largely intact with only minor cracks
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION 3% ZrOCl 2 x8H 2 O treated and compressed veneer Radial cell walls appear to be more deformed than tangential walls, with pit borders showing a range of deformities
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Chemical analysis Concentration of Zr in 3% ZrOCl 2 x8H 2 O treated and compressed veneer was 0.278% on oven dried weight basis measured by ICP
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION GC analysis of monosacharides *could be compression wood
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Surface Hardness test Error bars represent one standard deviation
THE JOINT FORCES OF CSIRO & SCION Conclusions Compression fixation improved with an increase in the concentration of Zr (particularly at 3% and above) Stiffness increased up to 150 % Stiffness enhancement followed density increase No loss in cell wall components Mechanical damage to cell walls may have contributed to strength losses Future developments to consider environmental issues and specific product applications Potential for use of low grade radiata wood, e.g. juvenile wood