Road Less Traveled Doing what is right is not always popular-(the 4wheel drive road). Doing what is popular may not always be right-(big highway).
IN-A country western song has a phrase “all that glitters is not gold”. How can you use that thought in your daily life? OUT- The first thing scientists look at when they classify mollusks is whether or not the animal _____________________.
Mollusks the body plans of mollusks include a mantle, visceral mass, head, and foot. Classification of Mollusks – Gastropods typically have one shell, a foot, and eat using a radula (a file-like tongue). – Bivalves have a hinged two-part shell, a muscular foot, and eat by filtering their food from the water. – Cephalopods have a head, a foot which has been modified into tentacles, and a well-developed nervous system. Value of Mollusks – Mollusks are food for many animals, have commercial uses, and are used for research.
Reading pages and taking Cornell notes
IN - Mussles, Clams, Oysters and scallops are often called “shellfish”, why is this misleading? OUT - Why is an open- circulatory system able to meet the needs of a gastropod & not an octopus
I’m off to Red class, I hate mornings. GASTROPODS- “stomach footed” ~75,000 species~ Why am I most active at night or on cloudy days ?
BIVALVES-why did they name that? Pssst, what does it mean to clam up? ~30,000 species~
Do I look like I have a “HEAD FOOT”? Cephalopods
Hi, I’m a squid-I have a well developed nervous system and large eyes We are all predators
I have an internal shell (cuttlebone), I am also well known for my ability to rapidly change colors, color patterns, color Intensity to blend in with my background. Who am I?
Have you looked in the mirror lately ? I have a closed circulatory system- unlike other mollusks, because I love being active!
IN -Identify some positive and negative ways that mollusks affect humans. OUT - Why is it unlikely that you would find garden slugs or land snails in a desert?
IN- How can I use the idea of an “oyster turning a grain of sand into a pearl”, when I work with others? OUT- “When you are not working out, someone, somewhere is and when you meet, they will win!” How does this quote relate to our video “the survival game”? 10/25
In- Tangled up w/reefs OUT- What physical feature is unique to ECHINODERMS?
OUT- Why must animal species adapt to their environment ? IN-Why would the ability to regenerate lost body parts(arms) be an important adaptation for sea stars, brittle stars, and other echinoderms?
Echinoderms have a hard endoskeleton covered by bumpy or spiny epidermis; They have radial symmetry, a mouth, stomach, and intestines. They have no head or brain, but they do have a nerve ring around the mouth. They have a water-vascular system connected to thousands of tube feet. Examples~sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, sand dollars, sea cucumbers
My wife wants a new pet, Tradarius suggested this… whatcha think?