Diamante’ Poems Or Painless Parts of Speech
Read the poem and think about its: Shape Number of lines Word meanings Parts of Speech
Friend Close, Dependable Caring, Trusting, Loving Someone, I thought, to be there for me Lying, Betraying, Hurting Resentful, Hateful Enemy
Describe the poem in terms of: Shape? Number of lines? Word meanings? Suffixes of words? Parts of Speech? Friend Close, Dependable Caring, Trusting, Loving Someone, I thought, to be there for me Lying, Betraying, Hurting Resentful, Hateful Enemy
What is the shape of the poem?
How many lines? Friend Close, Dependable Caring, Trusting, Loving Someone, I thought, to be there for me Lying, Betraying, Hurting Resentful, Hateful Enemy
Word meanings Friend Close, Dependable Caring, Trusting, Loving Someone, I thought to be there for me Lying, Betraying, Hurting Resentful, Hateful Enemy Opposite of enemy Opposite of friend
Parts of Speech? 1.Friend 2.Close, Dependable 3.Caring, Trusting, Loving 4.Someone, I thought, to be there for me 1.Lying, Betraying, Hurting 2.Resentful, Hateful 3.Enemy 1.Noun 2.Adjectives 3.Present participles (verbs that are made into another part of speech by adding an “ing” to the end) 4.Phrase or a clause 5.Present participles 6.Adjectives 7.Noun
Think of words in pairs of opposites (Antonyms). Friend vs. Enemy Love vs. Hate Slavery vs. Freedom vs
Write your two words on the first and last lines. Then fill in the blanks. Noun___________________ Adjectives _________, ____________ Present Participle(ing) __________, _______, ______ Clause or Phrase_______________________________ Present Participle(ing) __________, ________, ______ Adjectives _________, ____________ Noun___________________
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The End By Diane King Media Specialist