1 Overview of Caring/Healing Modalities in Conjunction with Caring Literacy Presented By Maria Chang, RN, BSN
2 Caring Healing Modalities Learning Objectives: At the completion of this course, the participants will be able to understand the Core Concepts of Dr. Watson’s Caring Literacy incorporating into Caring/Healing Modalities and how to apply the Modalities into daily clinical practice.
3 Healing Modalities Mission of Caring/Healing Modalities is to create “habitats (place) for healing” where: Nurses thrive, and Patients receive quality, holistic care by the implementation of the caring/healing model for clinical practice
4 Examples of Healing Modalities : Massage/Therapeutic touch Dance/ Expressive Movement Guided imagery Music Relaxation Humor Prayer Meditation Listening to inspirational speakers Watching caring videos Bringing in positive things to share Pet Therapy
5 Caring Literacy Definitions: Literacy is defined as the “ability to read and write” Caring Literacy is defined as “having fluency in caring at personal and professional levels, including heart intelligence, consciousness, intentionality, lifelong journey of self-growth and self-awareness”
6 Caring Literacy Examples 1. Cultivate Caring consciousness and intentionality as a starting point 2. Ability to Center -- quiet down, pause before entering patient’s room or be still in the presence of the other 3. Ability to Read the Field when entering into the life space or field of another 4. Ability to Be present – Be with other as well as Do for other 5. Accurately identify and Address Person by Name
7 Caring Literacy Examples (cont) 6. Maintain Eye Contact as appropriate for person/cultural meaning and sensitivity 7. Ability to Ground Self and other for comforting, soothing, calming acts 8. Accurately detect Other’s Feelings 9. Stay within the other’s Frame of Reference 10. Invite and Authentically Listen to the inner meaning, the subjective story of other
8 Caring Literacy Examples (cont) 11. Authentically Listen/hear behind the words 12. Hold other with an attitude of Unconditional Loving- Kindness, equanimity, dignity, and regard 13. Ability to Be with Silence, waiting for other to reflect before responding to questions 14. Respond to the other’s feelings and mood verbally and nonverbally, with Authentic Affective Congruence
9 Caring Literacy Examples (cont) 15. Cultivate and Create Meaningful Caring-Healing Rituals: translate conventional nursing tasks into purposive healing acts Hand washing Intentional use of music, touch, aroma Carry out nursing tasks in reverential & respectful way
10 Healing Modalities In Summary: Continue to cultivate Caring Literacy. Caring Literacy is “biogenic” that is, life giving and life receiving for self and others. Caring Literacy is the core knowledge that leads directly back to the original 10 Caritas Processes. The Nurse is not only in the environment, but that the nurse IS the environment! The nurse can affect the entire environment for better or for worse. The nurse’s caring-loving consciousness radiates energetically.