Staying Safe Online A Practical Guide for Middle School Students
CYBERBULLYING “Don’t post things online that you wouldn’t say in person!”
Cyberbullying is the use of , text messaging, web sites, discussion forums, or other technological means of communication to: Intentionally hurt, defame, or intimidate another. Send threatening, intimidating, or derogatory s, photos, or messages. Post derogatory comments about others. Comment or post information about others to make fun of them. Post personal information about someone else or share it via or text message. Misrepresent another person by using their password or other online identification. Post embarrassing photos or statements of another on a web site or share with others.
PERSONAL DISCLOSURE “Not everything is as private as you think!”
Examples of Personal Information Never Share on Public Networks Okay to Share with Friends ▫ Favorite things ▫ Links ▫ School projects or art Full NamePhone Number BirthdateAddress Personal Pictures
When posting, always consider: Is there anyone I would not want to see this? Could this post reveal my identity or harm my reputation? Would it be okay if my parents, friends, or employer found this information? Am I proud of this post? When in Doubt, DON’T Post!
UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS “A bad password is as bad as no password at all!”
Unauthorized Access Definition: –Accessing another’s personal information without their permission Where/How does it happen? – Accounts, Computer Passwords, Hacking, Sharing Passwords Dangers of Unauthorized Access: –People can pretend to be you (i.e. Identity Theft) –Information obtained can be used against you –Collected data may be given or sold to others
COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT “You wouldn’t steal a car! Why Steal a DVD?”
Copyright Basics Copyright The exclusive legal right to copy, print, or publish a work (Book, Image, Movie, Music, Software, etc.) Often noted by ™, ®, or © Copyright Infringement -How it Happens Downloading content such as music, videos, or games and sharing with others. When in doubt, DON’T copy it!