Cassie Copeland Prewriting GPS:ELA4W1 The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure. The student a. Selects a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view based on purpose, genre expectations, audience, length, and format requirements.
Cassie Copeland Prewriting PLO: Students will select a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view based on purpose, genre expectations, audience, length, and format requirements.
Forms the shape of a diamond Begins with a subject that contrast to the ending subject 7 lines Adjectives Describing words Does not have to rhyme
Brainstorm describing words for both topics Choose audience and purpose of writing Outline for poem Do not focus on spelling, grammar, shape
Line 1 ______________________________________________________________________________ (One word or subject that contrast to subject in line 7) Line 2 __________________________________ ___________________________________ (Two adjectives that describe the word in line one) Line 3 __________________________ _______________________ ________________________ (Three –ing words that describe subject in line 1) Line 4 ____________________ ____________________ _________________ ___________________ (Four nouns of short phrases linking your subject in line 1 to your subject in line 7) Line 5 __________________________ _______________________ ________________________ (Three –ing words that describe subject in line 7) Line 6 __________________________________ ___________________________________ (Two adjectives that describe subject in line 7) Line 7 ______________________________________________________________________________ (One word or subject that contrast to the subject in line 1)
Opp-Beckman, L. (2003). Pizzaz!. Retrieved March 29, 2010 from Pizzaz! People Interested in Zippy and ZAny Zcribbling. Website:
Complete the online Diamante Graphic Organizer 4 th grade group practice activity Begin by letting the class brainstorm and agree on two contrasting subjects ources/interactives/diamante/
4 th grade students will complete an assessment activity Complete the Diamante Poem graphic organizer
Haley Hancock Drafting ELA4W4: The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The students. a. Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully. PLO: Students create a draft for a Diamante Poem.
b. Revises selected drafts to improve coherence and progression by adding, deleting, consolidating, and rearranging text. PLO: Students will revise by adding, deleting, consolidating, and rearranging Diamante Poem. Haley Hancock Editing
c. Edits to correct errors in spelling, punctuation, etc PLO: The students will edit Diamante Poem. Haley Hancock Drafting
7 lines Diamond shape Does not rhyme Two opposite topics
Drafting Stage: Get information down on paper Skip lines Place X’s on skipped lines Do not focus on spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or grammar
Revising Stage: delete, add, change, and rearrange Editing Stage: correct punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and grammar
Vacation Happy, fun Sleeping, dancing, traveling Liberty, car, beach, night Exciting, interesting, moving Unhappy, boring Work Opp-Beckman, L. (2003). Pizzaz!. Retrieved March 29, 2010 from Pizzaz! People Interested in Zippy and ZAny Zcribbling. Website:
4 th grade class will use online group graphic organizer that they completed as a class to write down content on piece of paper.
4 th grade class will revise and edit a Diamante Poem on interactive white board as a class.
4 th grade class will use the graphic organizer that they completed during the prewriting assessment and write down content on piece of paper.
4 th grade class will make revisions on draft using a red pen. Make editing marks on draft using a green pen.