WCC 2020 Vision Leadership Update November 12, 2013
Agenda Welcome Opening Prayer Phase 2 Highlights Group Reflection Phase 2 Small Group Insights Phase 3 Recommendation Close
Phase 2: Highlights Wow! What was that? Interconnected theme for Fall woven through: Worship, Devotions, Small Groups Adult Ed Website – WCC 2020 tab
Worship Thread Special Music Participation Personal Messages Visual design Name Tags Pew Pads (to come) Fellowship -- Lunches Outreach -- All Church project Stewardship concept Guest speakers Education – adult and kids congruent with theme
Group Reflection Discuss two questions at your table 20 minutes Record thinking on flip chart Select spokesperson Report out
Discuss at your table: 1. What elements moved you during Phase 2? 2. What would you like to see in the future for WCC in order for us to be a vibrant and energized congregation? 3. What elements of Phase 2 did not resonate with you and why? Group Reflection - 20 minutes
Agenda Welcome Opening Prayer Phase 2 Highlights Group Reflection Phase 2 Small Group Insights Phase 3 Recommendation Close
Faith Moments Participation with church Programs similar or at WCC Volunteer roles at WCC Service with others Other People Life Events Replicating at WCC Tenure Mentorship Intergenerational activities Showing up Both targeted and overlapping programs
The Mission is us: Belonging, Inclusive, Welcoming: Implied and True Doing WITH, not FOR God Jesus Christ Study Missing: HOW we increase the love of God and neighbor We are faith in motion/action Other: Holy Spirit? Forward looking
Top Words Christian Welcoming Love Relevant Faith Inclusive Jesus Christ
Doing: Connecting Developing Growing Participating Caring Singing Serving Feeling: Rapture Challenged Transformed Peace Love Empowered Responsible
Stay Tuned….Only a couple of groups have completed to date.
Agenda Welcome Opening Prayer Phase 2 Highlights Group Reflection Phase 2 Small Group Insights Phase 3 Recommendation Close
Incorporate previous feedback received from the congregation and leadership team, Implement immediate tactics to meet congregational expectations and needs, particularly with regard to the interim and senior pastor searches and well-received spiritual elements of Phase 2, Re-frame roles, church structure and expectations to ensure success of the plan and Facilitate a period of review and listening for the final plan by the congregation prior to approval at the annual congregational meeting in the Spring. Phase 3 Objectives
Phase 3 Timeline ItemTimingTask 1JanuarySPSC Draft Plan 2FebruaryIntegration Sub-team Meetings with Lay Ministries (Committees) 3February 11 Tactical plan presented to Council for feedback 4MarchSPSC Finalize Plan 5April 8Final Plan to Council 6April/MayPresent to Congregation with Listening sessions 7MayRatification at Annual Meeting
Agenda Welcome Opening Prayer Phase 2 Highlights Group Reflection Phase 2 Small Group Insights Phase 3 Recommendation Close