Module Objective Review Cultural Resources Requirements under National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Emphasis on NHPA Section 106 Iterative Process for Identifying, Evaluating and Protecting Cultural Resources Review Other Key Legislative Requirements to include Consultation with Indian Tribes 2
What are Cultural Resources? Cultural resources are elements of our environment which have been made, built, altered or modified in some way, left behind as physical remains, or considered to sustain a cultural identity (both physical and non- physical), by humans. 3
What is Archeology? Set of methods and procedures for studying history through non- written evidence. Artifacts: portable objects of human manufacture Monuments: non- portable objects of human manufacture (Mt. Rushmore) 4
What is Archeology? Sites: non-portable objects of human deposition; places where people congregate or carry out activity 5
What is Archeology? Contexts : associations of objects of human activity 6
Definitions National Register of Historic Places: Register of historic places maintained by the Secretary of the Interior. Historic Properties: Sites or monuments eligible for listing, or listed on, the NRHP. 7
Definitions (continued) Area of Potential Effect (APE): Areas designated in consultation with SHPO/THPO in which a potential for project impacts ( effects) exists. 8
Definitions (cont.) Undertaking: Any activity that may affect an historic property. Includes all civil works projects and Federal actions (permits, licenses, land sales) 9
State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO): Appointed by state governors to administer Section 106 within states. Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO): Oversees Section 106 compliance for Federally Recognized Tribes. 10
Advisory Council for Historic Preservation Council in Washington, D.C. that administers implementation of Section 106 of NHPA Consulted on projects requiring mitigation or other significant commitments 11
Categories of Cultural Resources Historic Properties Museum Collections Archaeological Sites Traditional Cultural Properties (TCP) Records/Archives 12
Engineers Corps of Engineers Responsibilities Responsibilities Cultural resources management is an equal and integral component of Civil Works. Corps Policy to identify, evaluate and manage resources eligible for listing on National Register at earliest stages of planning. Early communication with SHPO/THPO is an important part of the planning process. 13
Consequences of Waiting… 14
Important Cultural Resources Laws National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) Archeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) The Abandoned Shipwreck Act
NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT OF 1966 (NHPA) (Public Law ) Expands the National Register created by the Historic Sites Act of Establishes the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Authorizes each State to appoint a State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) Authorizes recognized Native American Indian Tribes to identify a Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO) NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT OF 1966 (NHPA) 17
NRHP Legislation Established Section 106 process for assessing impacts of projects on National Register sites, or Register eligible sites The Act does not prevent an action, but mandates procedural steps in consideration of effects to historic properties 18
Advisory Council on History Preservation Regulations at 36 CFR Part 800, 1966 Guides Federal Agencies in cultural resources compliance - Outlines the specific attention to be given to National Historic Landmarks. - Implements the Section 106 Review Process for Federal undertakings. Guides Federal Agencies in cultural resources compliance - Outlines specific attention to be given to National Historic Landmarks. - Implements Section 106 Review Process for Federal undertakings. 19
Initiating Section 106 Process Consult NRHP publications, SHPO’s property lists, interested parties, etc. Customary 50 year threshold for eligibility. Use archaeological team members to maintain consultation with SHPO in planning process. 20
Investigations Conducted in Area of Potential Effects (APE). Conducted to determine NRHP eligibility of known cultural resources and those discovered during investigation. Should be scaled for potential presence of historic properties in the APE. 21
Investigations (con’t) –Be aware of tribal THPO and SHPO issues. –It is possible that most areas will have never been investigated for the presence of historic properties. –Local historical/archeological societies can prove invaluable in scoping the investigations. –All investigations should maintain consultation with the SHPO/THPOs. 22
ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORIC WORK: A THREE-STEP PROCESS Phase I - Survey: Range from reconnaissance to intensive levels, depending on the nature and stage of a project. 23
Section 106: An Iterative Process (Phase 1) Literature and Records Searches Analysis, evaluation, coordination Plan next step, Report 24
Section 106: Iterative Process ( Phase 1cont.) Field Surveys: Range from Sample level to Intensive/Dragnet Analysis, evaluation, coordination Plan next step, Report 25
THREE-STEP PROCESS (cont.) Phase II - Evaluation: Assess the potential significance of archeological and historic properties against the criteria of the National Register (extensive testing may be expensive). 26
Section 106: Iterative Process Section 106: Iterative Process (Phase 2 cont.) Testing: Shovel Testing, Exploratory Testing Analysis, evaluation, coordination Plan next step, Report Emphasis on Non-Invasive techniques 27
THREE-STEP PROCESS (cont.) Phase III - Mitigation: Avoidance, archeological excavation, or historic documentation to minimize, ameliorate, or compensate for the loss of characteristics of a property that made it eligible for the National Register. (May need Section 106 Agreement (i.e. MOA). 28
Section 106: Iterative Process (Phase 3 cont.) Mitigation : Preservation / Protection or Excavation / Data Recovery Analysis, evaluation, coordination Plan next step, Report & Curation 29
Effects An undertaking has an effect when it may alter characteristics of a property that may qualify the property for inclusion in the NRHP” “An adverse effect (is one that may) diminish the integrity of the property’s location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, or association.” 30
Assess Effects Apply Criteria of Effect –No effect found: Notify SHPO –Effect found: Apply criteria of adverse effect –No adverse effect: »Obtain SHPO concurrence »Submit to ACHP for review –Adverse effect: »Mitigate 31
Resolve Adverse Effects Mitigation Options: –Avoid. –Alternative project design. –Rehabilitate property. –Adopt preservation program. –Move property. –Data recovery. –Document before destroying: Architectural, Engineering, Historical or Archaeological Documentation. 32
FAILURE TO AGREE Failure to Resolve Adverse Effects: Agency, SHPO, THPO or ACHP can make determination. Is essentially a Termination of Consultation. If agency terminates, they must request ACHP Comment. Agency must respond to ACHP Comment and FOLLOW THE PROCESS 33
ABANDONED SHIPWRECK ACT OF 1987 (Public Law ) The U.S. identifies, evaluates and asserts title to any abandoned shipwreck on or embedded in submerged lands of a State when the shipwreck is included in or determined eligible for the NRHP. Transfers title to appropriate States, except in the case of Indian Lands. 35
ABANDONED SHIPWRECK ACT OF 1987 (Public Law ) (cont.) Promotes shipwrecks as valuable State resources, and through the National Park Service, encourages the development of underwater parks. 36
ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING and EVALUATION ER , Appendix C-4. Cultural Resources Outlines cultural resources requirements for Recon, Feasibility, and Planning Engineering and Design Studies. Details cost apportionment and accountability for cultural resources costs. 37
ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING and EVALUATION ER Appendix C-4 Cultural Resources (cont.) Costs over 1% are shared with the local sponsor. Survey and evaluation costs are not part of the 1% limit. Provides waiver of 1% limit for continuing authority projects. Excludes mitigation costs from economic analysis. 38
onsultation with Indian Tribal Governments Consultation with Indian Tribal Governments Executive Order of Nov 6, 2000 Executive Order of Nov 6, 2000 Principles guiding agency activities Unique legal relationship with tribes as “domestic dependent nations” under United States protection Tribes have sovereign powers over members and territory 39
Six Corps Tribal Policy Principles 1.Sovereignty 2.Pre-decisional consultation 3.Government-to- government relationships 4.Trust responsibility 5.Protection of natural & cultural resources 6.Economic capacity building 40
Classroom Exercise HO# 12 Survey and sampling Random grid stations 42