VCE Chemistry Units 3 and –2011 VCAA and CEA Implementation Workshops Term
Purpose of the workshop ●Highlight differences between the reaccredited study design and the current study design with focus on Units 3 and 4 ●Introduce the assessment requirements for Units 3 and 4 ●Provide some time for discussion ●Provide some sample teaching and learning programs for Units 3 and 4 ●Seek feedback as to future professional development and support
Study design: structural changes ●A set of key skills applicable to all units ●Two areas of study in each Units 1–4 ●Newer and fewer assessment tasks ●Glossary ●Two year implementation −Units 1 and 2 in 2007 −Units 3 and 4 in 2008
Study design: content changes ●Key concepts ‘spiral’ through each unit ●Choice in Unit 4 area of study ●‘The Periodic Table’ introduces the study of VCE Chemistry in Unit 1 ●‘Rationale’, ‘Aims’ and ‘Introduction’ for each unit and area of study have been updated ●More detail on safety and laboratory time provided ●More detailed ‘Advice for teachers’ section
Study design: summary of new content Unit 3-additional techniques of analysis, biochemical fuels, forensic analysis, design new medicines Unit 4-waste management and health and safety, choice of industrial chemical, sustainability of energy sources
Assessment ●Number of examinations −one for Unit 3 mid-year −one for Unit 4 end-of-year ●Contributions to study scores −34% School-assessed Coursework (17% each for Units 3 and 4) −33% mid-year examination −33% end-of-year examination ●Time allocated for each exam −One and a half hours plus 15 minutes reading time
Key skills (Study design page 12) ●Apply to each unit ●Developed, used and applied in a variety of contexts ●Demonstrate skills at a progressively higher level as the complexity of knowledge increases ●Examinable for Units 3 and 4
Structure Unit 1 The big ideas of chemistry Unit 3 Chemical pathways 1.Chemical analysis 2.Organic chemical pathways Unit 2 Environmental Chemistry Unit 4 Chemistry at work 1.Industrial chemistry 2.Supplying and using energy 1.The Periodic Table 2.Materials 1.Water 2.The atmosphere
Unit 3: Chemical pathways Area of study 1 Chemical analysis Area of Study 2 Organic chemical pathways Outcome 1 Evaluate the suitability of techniques and instruments used in chemical analyses Outcome 2 Identify and explain the role of functional groups in organic reactions and construct reaction pathways using organic molecules
Unit 3: School-assessed Coursework Three assessment tasks An extended experimental investigation that can be drawn from either area of study 1 or area of study 2 AND From the area of study NOT used for the extended experimental investigation
Unit 3: School-assessed Coursework (cont.) A written report of one practical activity AND One task selected from the following: ●a response to stimulus material in written, oral or visual format ●an analysis of first or second-hand data using structured questions ●a report in written, oral, multimedia or visual format related to chemical pathways
Activity 1 Selection of assessment tasks for Unit 3
Unit 4: Chemistry at work Area of study 2 Supplying and using energy Area of study 1 Industrial chemistry Outcome Analyse the factors that determine the optimum conditions used in the industrial production of the selected chemical Outcome Analyse chemical and energy transformations occurring in chemical reactions
Unit 4: School-assessed Coursework Assessment tasks A summary report including annotations of three practical activities drawn from either area of study 1 and area of study 2 AND From the area of study NOT used for the summary report
Unit 4: School-assessed Coursework (cont.) A written report of one practical activity AND One task selected from the following: ●a response to stimulus material in written, oral or visual format ●an analysis of first or second-hand data using structured questions ●a report in written, oral, multimedia or visual format related to chemistry at work
Activity 2 Selection of assessment tasks for Unit 4
Break VCE Chemistry Units 3 and –2011
VCE Assessment Handbook Chemistry ●Section 1Administrative Procedures ●Section 2Chemistry Assessment Advice ●Section 3Assessment Support Materials and Further Resources
Section 2: Chemistry Assessment Advice ●Outcome statement (for each area of study in each unit) ●Task −Description −Designing the assessment task −Resources and scheduling −Performance descriptors ●Information about examinations
The Performance Descriptors ●Guide for expected standards when setting and marking assessment tasks ●5 mark ranges provided ●Each range is accompanied by a list of typical performance ●Each mark range allows for discrimination
Activity 3 Using Performance Descriptors
Exams Exam 1 (June) ●Multiple choice ●Short answer ●Data booklet ●Equal weighting of each area of study Exam 2 (Nov) ●Multiple choice ●Short answer ●Data booklet ●Equal weighting of each area of study
Support for implementation ●Chemistry – a pathway to Emerging Sciences in Victoria, CD-ROM Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development (DIIRD) ●Ongoing professional development program such as RACI (VIC), VICS, STAV, CEA, GTAC, Ecolink (Bacchus Marsh), Victorian Science Space Centre
Examples of Useful websites ● ● ● ● ●
Errata ●Page 21 Outcome 1 dot point 6 inclusion after techniques ‘and interpretation’ (refer March 2007 VCAA Bulletin) ●Page 21 Outcome 2 dot point 2 spelling ‘esterification’ ●Page 33 ‘bases’ (not basis) ●Page 60 ‘colorimetrically’ (not calorimetrically)
For further information ●VCAA website Units 1 and 2 chemistry1-2.html Units 3 and 4 chemindex.html
For further information (cont.) ●VCAA Bulletin March 2006 Supplement 2 – VCE studies accredited 1 January 2007: Summary of changes ●Contact Ann Osman Curriculum Manager, Science