1 O.R TAMBO DISTRICT STATUS ON WATER QUALITY Presentation to: Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Water Affairs and Forestry Date: 18 June 2008 By: Executive Mayor – Cllr. RZ. CAPA
2 Background O R Tambo District Municipality (DC 15) is located along the coast of the Eastern Cape Province within the former Transkei. The total population is approximately 1.7 million spread across seven local municipalities, namely King Sabata Dalindyebo, Nyandeni, Port St Johns, Ingquza Hill, Mbizana, Ntabankulu and Mhlontlo. The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry owned all water schemes in this region including provisioning in the rural areas. Local Municipalities were responsible for provisioning in the urban areas. The District Municipality became both the Water Service Authority and Water Service Provider throughout its area of jurisdiction since July With Effect from April 2004 all schemes (both rural and urban) were transferred (assets and liabilities) to the District Municipality in their existing status. This included amongst others the following:- Usage and demand of most town water and sewage treatment plants is beyond their design capacity, which are also unlicenced. Neglected, old infrastructure, mostly in a state of disrepair. Lack of skilled human resource to effectively operate the schemes (non compliance with legislative requirements with regards to classification and operation of water plants). All urban schemes in LMs owed DWAF for raw water approximately R53million and the DM inherited that debt as well The resulting situation is that
3 Status On Access To Water Services Only 36% of population/households of ORTDM have access to RDP standard water 50.4% of households still get water from rivers/streams The rest either use springs or rain water tanks or other sources 62% of the population do not have an adequate level of sanitation (at least a VIP or equivalent). Of the 62% mentioned above, 172,582 households are located in the rural areas of the district.
4 Level of Water Service Per Local Municipality LMPopulation accessing Piped water (%) Population using rivers/ streams (%) Population using boreholes (%) King Sabatha Dalindyebo Nyandeni Port St Johns Ingquza Hill Mbizana5896 Ntabankulu Mhlontlo38 24 Some of the borehole schemes in Mbizana have dried up and therefore increasing the backlog
5 SANS 241: 2000 SANS 241: 2000 water quality standards applies only to 36% of the population of ORTDM. The biggest challenge the District is faced with is that 64% of the population are still using untreated water for human consumption.
6 OR TAMBO WSDP – Addressing water Quality Sampling PointResponsible Institution Raw water source DWAF monitors Dams and rivers Springs and weirs are sampled by ORTDM monthly Water Treatment Plant ORTDM conduct chemical analyses daily for Turbidity, pH and chlorine residual Distribution reservoirs Reservoirs and boreholes are monitored by the ORT DM Reticulation network Household connections and standpipes are monitored by ORTDM Wastewater Treatment Plant Final effluent discharged back to the river is monitored by DWAF Awareness Campaign ORTDM customer relations section conducts awareness campaigns issue boiler notices
7 Current Interventions MILESTONEProgress MadeGaps and challenges Planning and Budgeting (ensure effectivene ss and efficiency of water service provision) In a process of regionalising water schemes to centralise water treatment works and related operation and maintenance Regional water schemes Master Plan for Northern region is in place- R450m available of R1,2billion required Master plan for Southern Region will be completed by end August 2008 Central/ cross border scheme still on feasibility study – to complete in December 2008 Water conservation and demand management R53m worth project implemented district wide in 2008 to be completed in 2009 ( including awareness, water balancing, fixing leakages and eliminate illegal connections) Sanitation Strategy Development of Town Sanitation Strategy will be finalised in 15July 2008 Refurbishment of Mthatha sewer pump station –R6.5m R100m available to implement sanitation s (address issues of effluent/overflow management) Shortfall of R800m to complete Northern region scheme by 2011 Resource requirements for Northern Region to be established on completion of plan Only R100m of the R500m required to improve town sanitation infrastructure R30m shortfall for refurbishment of sewer pump stations
8 Current Interventions …cont MILESTONEProgress MadeGaps and challenges Implementa tion Eradicated bucket system in all our towns Purchased laboratory equipment for chemical analysis for all Water Treatment Plants in all water schemes( except for boreholes and springs). Disinfectant chemicals distributed to all areas affected with poor water quality problems Backup engines installation in progress to address power failures during outages for most treatment works Establishment of Free Basic service unit All of our town water supply schemes operate beyond their design capacity Borehole schemes produce untreated water- distributed to consumers as raw. Insufficient water supply from source in some of our schemes (water master plan now addressing such) Dilapidated water and sanitation infrastructure in all our towns Capacity Building and training On going training of all scheme operators on chemical dosage and operation and maintenance Appointed a technician responsible for water quality monitoring and reporting Developed a water processing manual and translated it to isiXhosa - semi-skilled operators Community awareness campaigns on water quality management conducted to all affected areas Recruit and retain skilled personnel – rural areas Need to balance skills level with the standards required for operating various schemes
9 The relationship between various role-players at National, Provincial and Local level Role PlayerRelationship and assistance offered (DWAF) National and Regional Participate Bilateral and various task teams meetings to address all water services related issues Progress reports on funded projects implementation Monthly statutory reports on water quality status, water balancing, water conservation demand etc. Technical support on management and reporting on O&M related issues Funding for the development and review of WSDP Funding for Bulk infrastructure, drought relief and water services capacity business plan DHLGTA Funding for Free Basic service provision DPLG MIG funding for capital projects Umgeni water board Development of water master plan for Northern region Feasibility study for central region/cross border water schemes Development of sanitation strategy Amatola water board Training of all water scheme operators Development of water master plan for Southern Region
10 Monthly reports to DWAF on water quality Biological analysis results are submitted to DWAF every month by means of Water Quality Management System. Funds available to address water quality issues 2008/2009 R3,5m for water purification chemicals R1,3m for water quality monitoring and sampling 2008/ /2011 R 407 million MIG R 40,2 million DWAF (bulk infrastructure)
11 The technical and scientific skills – Water purification Classification of Water Treatment Works ClassNumberRequired SkillsAvailable Skills C9For each treatment works:- 1 class 5 operator (full time) O & M specialists Electrician Fitter Instrument technician Class 0 Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 1 Pump Technician 1 Assistant Pump Technician 2 x Electricians D11 For each treatment works:- 1 Part-time Class 5 operator and access to the following O & M Specialists Technicians: - Electrician - Fitter - Instrument Technicians
12 LIST OF WATER SCHEMES TYPEWSU 1 WSU 2WSU 3WSU 4TOTAL Water Treatment works Boreholes Springs Total
13 END Thank you