RP PROCEDURE FOR FLUID ANALYSIS Detector Cooling Project - 16 th June 2011 Heinz Vincke, Nadine Conan DGS/RP..... based on EDMS document # prepared by Elena Perez Rodriguez (EN/CV)
Under Approval Some requests have been made to the Detector Cooling section (EN/CV/DC), to carry out periodical chemical analyses to control the quality of the fluid of its installations. This document has been done in collaboration with the Chemical Laboratory (TE/VSC/SCC section) and the Radiation Protection group (DGS/RP), and aims to establish a procedure for the periodical analyses of the fluid of all the Detector Cooling installations. For each installation that requires a chemical analysis, a form (see next slide) has to be filled and signed by the responsible person(s) to activate the sampling procedure.
A NNEXES : SAMPLING FORM To start the chemical analyses (the Radiation Protection analyses will be always done) To be filled by the responsible persons from Experiment, Detector Cooling, Chemical Laboratory and Radiation Protection 3
D ETECTOR C OOLING STATIONS 4 PFC gas C3F8C4F10 PFC liquid C6F14 Water Demineralized Not demineralized Chemical analyses Radiation Protection analyses The Detector Cooling stations can be classified by the kind of refrigerant used. There are three kinds of systems
G ENERAL DIAGRAM OF THE INTERVENTION RP measurement at sampling station
Interventions Radiation Protection shall approve any intervention before the operation starts. Three kinds of intervention: Planned intervention: is the intervention that will take place regularly to know the evolution of the radiation level and the chemical contamination of the fluid. Non-planned intervention: is the intervention that is urgent from a detector point of view but is not a radiological emergency (for example a pump failure). Radiological emergency interventions: is the intervention that implies an emergency from a radiological point of view (for example a leak of radioactive fluid).
P LANNED INTERVENTIONS The analysis will be scheduled by Detector Cooling that will assign the priority to the different stations. The levels of priority will be: very urgent, urgent and not urgent. No direct request from the experiments shall be addressed to the Radiation Protection Group. The number of analyses to be done will be communicated to Radiation Protection by Detector Cooling at least 10 days in advance. A preliminary priority order for the stations will also be communicated by at this time. The minimum time for the radiological analysis in case of a planned intervention will be 3 hours and the maximum time will be 2 days for one sample. After the analyses have been performed, an with the authorization and the results will be sent to Detector- The same information can be consulted later in the Radiation Protection web page.Detector- Protection web page In case the sample is radioactive, Radiation Protection will evaluate the risks and advice on the best practice to proceed.
N ON - PLANNED INTERVENTIONS The time required for the radiological analyses, once the sample has been taken to the Radiation Protection laboratory, will be a minimum of 3 hours and a maximum of 6 hours during working hours and non-working hours (analysis performed by RP-Piquet). These times are valid for one sample at the time. To contact Radiation Protection: During working hours phone (Radiation Protection) During non working hours phone (fire brigade), the fire brigade will then phone Radiation Protection. After the analyses have been performed, an with the authorization and the results will be sent to Detector- The same information can be consulted later in the Radiation Protection web page.Detector- Protection web page In case the sample is radioactive, Radiation Protection will evaluate the risks and advice on the best practice to proceed.
R ADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY INTERVENTIONS In case of a radiological emergency intervention, Radiation Protection shall approve the minimum actions to be in a safe situation. No intervention will be done in any station without RP supervision and approval. Radiation Protection will equip the workers, as the radiological risk would be present, so they can perform the minimum actions to reduce the risk. In this case, and only for radiological emergency situations, the analysis can be done in parallel. The time required for the radiological analyses, once the sample has been taken to the Radiation Protection laboratory, will be a minimum of 3 hours and a maximum of 6 hours during working hours and non-working hours (analysis performed by RP-Piquet). These times are valid for one sample at the time. To contact Radiation Protection: During working hours phone (Radiation Protection) During non working hours phone (fire brigade), the fire brigade will then phone Radiation Protection. After the analyses an with the authorization and the results will be sent to The same information can be consulted later in the Radiation Protection web Protection web page In case the sample is radioactive, Radiation Protection will evaluate the risks and advice on the best way to proceed.
S AMPLING PROCEDURE : GASES One stainless steel bottle for both analyses 10 Sampling schema The sampling will be done by two persons, one from Detector Cooling and another one from Radiation Protection. As the gas sampling is the most sensitive one, no delegation will be allowed for the gas systems. To prevent cross contamination in case of radioactive fluid, the person from Detector Cooling will operate the valve while the person from Radiation Protection will manipulate of the bottle.
S AMPLING PROCEDURE : LIQUIDS Two plastic bottles, one for each analysis Not reusedno cleaning 11 Sampling schema The sampling will be done by two persons, one from Detector Cooling and another one from Radiation Protection. In a case by case basis, this task can be delegated by Radiation Protection to the Radiation Protection Experts (RPE) from the Experiment and by the Detector Cooling team.
P ERSONAL P ROTECTION EQUIPMENT Detector Cooling will provide the adequate personal protections for the sampling operation Is the responsibility of the Radiation Protection Group (DGS/RP) to evaluate the personal protections required. (presently required in red) Light protection latex gloves (SCEM )SCEM Radioactive waste bags (SCEM and SCEM )SCEM SCEM Safety glasses (SCEM )SCEM White suits with hood (SCEM G)SCEM G Shoes covers (SCEM D)SCEM D Protective mask (SCEM )SCEM