Demanding of minimally processed foods and foodstuffs, which retain natural flavor, color, texture, nutritional characteristics, and contain fewer additives. Nitrite is a key ingredient of cooked meats. nitrous acid may react with amines in muscle foods to form N-nitroso compounds especially nitrosamines, which have toxic, mutagenic, neuro-, and nephrotoxic, and carcinogenic effects The objective of the present study was to reduce nitrite content in hot dogs using hurdle technology without sacrificing product safety and quality.
1. Water activity (aw) measurement ( Thermoconstanter model TH 200 ) 2. Color measurement ( HunterLab; Labscan 5000 spectrocolorimeter) L = lightness a = redness b = yellowness 3. Chemical analyses pH (pH meter, Model pH 209) Nitrite content ISO Microbiological analyses 5. Sensory analyses 6. Statistical analyses ( MSTATC software)
Acidity ( pH) hurdle (<5.4) Processing temperature ( Fvalue ) hurdle (80 ±1) Storage temperature ( tvalue) hurdle (<10) Extrinsic hurdles Water activity (aw) hurdle (0.95)
Microbiological results
The obvious conclusion to be drawn from the findings is that a significant reduction in nitrite content on meat products such as hot dogs can be achieved using combined treatments sensibly without technological, microbiological, nutritional, legislative, and sensory problems.