Process Safety Management Contractors
Employer responsibilities v Obtain and evaluate information regarding contract employer’s safety performance 1a
Employer responsibilities v Instruct contractors in the following known potential hazards relating to contractor work: FireFire ExplosionExplosion Toxic releasesToxic releases 1b
Employer responsibilities v Describe applicable provisions of the emergency action plan v Control contract employer/employee access to process areas 1c
Employer responsibilities v Evaluate performance of contract employers in fulfilling contract responsibilities v Maintain a contract employee injury/illness log related to the contractor’s work in process areas 1d
Contract employer responsibilities v Ensure that contract employees are trained in work practices necessary to perform their jobs 2a
Contract employer responsibilities Instruct employees in: v Safe work practices v Safety rules of the facility v Known potential fire, explosion, or toxic release hazards relating to the job functions 2b
Contract employer responsibilities Instruct employees in: v Applicable provisions of the emergency action plan v Facility work practices for hazard controls during operations such as: Lockout/tagoutLockout/tagout Confined space entryConfined space entry 2c
Contract employer responsibilities v Inform the host facility about: Unique hazards associated with the contract workUnique hazards associated with the contract work Hazards found by contract employeesHazards found by contract employees 2d